124. Peace to the houses

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Bloodline // Tyrion Lannister is out!

'Jon Snow brought peace to the houses' Davos reminded them.

'And our queen is grateful' tyrion told him as they walked along winterfells, into the streets and among the common people.

'your queen.' Sasha spat.

'The north does not know her, the free folk do not know her, they are a stubborn as goats she's going to have to earn it.' Davos told him walking off.

'they are people that learn from the past, they don't want another mad tyrant ruling over them.' sasha informed them. 'northerners are smart.' She told them.

'thank you Snow for your imput.' Davos said, sasha rose a perfectly formed brow in challenge as she passed.

'I sense that you were leading to proposal ?' Tyrion questioned

'On the off chance we survive the night king when was the last time the seven kingdoms were ruled by a just woman and a righteous man?' he looked down below to Dani and Jon, standing close, smiling lovingly at each other.

'They do make a handsome couple' Tyrion agreed, 'but nothing lasts' he glanced back at sasha. 'or perhaps a different option all together.' Tyrion suggested.

'who?' davos questioned. But sasha was already walking away.


'Your sister doesn't like me,' Dany told Jon

'She doesn't know you. If it makes you feel any better if she didn't like me when we are growing up either.' Jon told her.

'She does not have to be my friend but I am her queen if she cannot respect me...' The Dothraki came riding up pulling her attention away.

'What's the matter?' jon questioned

'The dragons are barely eating.' so off they went to find her dragons in a field of bones

'What's wrong with them?' Jon asked

'They do not like the north' Daenerys told him. Dany climbed on the back of one and told Jon to get on the other.

'Well I don't know how to ride a dragon.' He told her awkwardly.

'Nobody does until they ride a dragon.' Dany told him.

'What if he does not want me to?' jon questioned taking a step closer.

'Then I have enjoyed your company Jon Snow' Daenerys told him confidently from on top of her dragon so carefully slowly and cautiously but not gracefully Jon climbed to top of the dragon.

''What do I hold onto?' he screamed

'Whatever you can' and suddenly he was in the air flying away.

They swooped over Winterfell everyone could see clear as day that there was a ridder on each dragon.

'she has capitvated Jon.' Sasha said looking up at them flying overhead.

'you are quite capitvating.' Sandor remarked. 'show the people you are here. Alive the north would follow you before they follow that bitch.' Sandor informed her.

'one problem at a time.' Sasha had to keep reminding herself as everyday closer to this war against the dead, dany got closer to the throne. Cersei and daenerys stood in her way. She was done doubting herself. She knew her claim was true but so was daenerys but sasha's plan for the future of the seven kingdoms was better. Daenerys hadn't ever said anything about helping just conquering. 

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