Part of the process

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'I will be king one day and you will be my queen.' Joffrey told sansa, the girl was completely smitten with Joffrey. Sasha shook her head as the passed.

'Princess?' sandor questioned sitting down next to her.

'Comparison is killing me slowly.'

'Comparison?' sandor questioned.

'I think i think too much about something i will never have. But something thats mine. Rightfully mine.' Sasha told sandor. 'Sometimes, I think I would rather be anyone else at times but the position im in right now does give me some power a fraction of what i could have so maybe i should just stay on this path.' She told him and he caught up, the crown, her cunt brother.

'No husband. No children. Just work?' Sandor questioned.

'I... i seem to find myself in a situation of not love but something between like and love perhaps.' She admitted and sandor rose a curious brow. One of the stark boys perhaps? Sandor thought, 'But it wouldnt work. Yet he consumes my mind.' Sasha told him

'Who is he?' She didnt answer. 'Why wouldnt it work?' Again no answer. 'Princess,' he gently touched her chin and she turned to face him. 'Anyone who doesnt love you, who doesnt see you as someone to be loved is a cunt and isnt worth occupying your thoughts.' Sandor told her and she looked up to him.

'You have your moments you know that sandor?' sasha questioned with a grin.

'I have my moments,' he agreed. 'you don't really want to be alone the rest of your life, do you?'

'Its lonely protecting my heart.' Sasha told him.

'Im sure it is. But heart break is part of the process,' sandor told her


'Of living. Of life. Of loving.' He hadnt realized it but he was leaning in closer and closer to her.

'Hound! Where is that mutt?' Joffrey shouted and sandor pulled back. Sasha breath caught in her throat.

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkWhere stories live. Discover now