108. Second Heart break

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'What did she do tyrion?'

'Commander Tarly and his son.' Tyrion told her.

'Tarly.' She looked to ned. Samwell Tarly's father and brother.

'She... they wouldn't bend the knee.' Tyrion told them.

'what did she do?' sasha pushed.

'her dragons... burned them to ash.' Tyrion told her regretfully. Sasha sucked in a deep breath nodding slowly.

'burned to ash.' She repeated. 'is that her plans for us? For jon?' sasha questioned. Tyrion didn't answer he gave her hand a squeeze as he walked by. 'Tyrion?' sasha called after him hopelessly. She had to find jon, tell him whe she did. They needed to get off this blasted island.


'They are beautiful aren't they?' dany questioned,

'It wasn't the word I was thinking of but but yes they are' Jon said 'gorgeous beasts'

'They are not beast to me.' dany told him insulted. 'no matter how big they get or terrifying they are to everyone else they are my children'

'You weren't gone long' jon remarked.


'And?' jon questioned

'I have fewer enemies than I did yesterday... You don't feel good about that though do you?'

'No I'm not happy about that' jon told her

'How many men did your army kill on taking back Winterfell from the Boltons?'

'Thousands' jon answered

'We both want to help people we can only help them from a position of strength sometimes strength is terrible when you first came here ser davvos said you took a knife in the heart for your people.'

'He gets carried away' jon told her

'So it's a figure of speech?' dany questioned but Jorah Mormont was brought forward. 'He is a friend' dany told them her jaw dropping. Mormont dropped to his knees before her.

'you're Grace' he said,

'Jon snow this is Jorah Mormont.' Dany introduced them

'I served for your father' jon told him

'You look strong.' Dany said looking him over as he stood. 'You found a cure?'

'I would not have returned if I hadn't and I request that I returned your service If you will have me' he begged.

'It would be my honor' Dany said And she kissed his cheek.

'I think jon just had his second heart break.' Sasha murmured to ned as daenerys kissed mormonts cheeks tenderly. 

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