North suits you

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'The north suits you princess'. Ned said coming up behind her.

'Im freezing my ass off.' Sasha informed him. 'But its so beautiful.' Snowflakes clung to her black hair and eye lashes. Falling down her cheeks with every blink.

'Here.' Ned removed his furs from his shoulders placing them around her.

'Thank you' she whispered as he smoothed it out along her shoulders.

'Dont need furs in the south.' Ned noted.

'Dont need much clothing at all,' she informed him, her lip caught between her teeth smirking up at him and suddenly he was picturing her naked. He blinked the thought away.

'Sash?' Tommen called from just inside. Calling out to her. He stood in his pajamas wiping at his eyes.

'Tommy. Everything alright honey?' She moved to him kneeling before him she wiped the tears from his eyes. 'Bad dream?' She questioned and he nodded.

'Mother said not to bother her. That i am to be a man. And men dont cry about nightmares.' He repeated cerseis words. Cersei claimed to love her children but it was mainly when it suited her.

'Sure they do. Lord stark,' she turned her head to him. Her hands running comfortingly up and down tommens arms. Trying to settle his racing heart. 'Men have nightmares dont they?' She winked at him.

'Oh yes. Even the bravest of men can be terrorized by the worst of dreams.' Ned told him.

'Really?' Tommen questioned softly as sasha stood up picking tommen up in her arms he flopped against her but looked to ned.

'Really. You know your father used to have nightmares.' Ned told him.

'He did?' tommen questioned.

'Yep. Then he vanquished his fears in real life and the nightmares stopped.' Ned informed him.

'So i have to be brave when im awake and ill be brave in my dreams?' Tommen questioned

'You are brave.' Sasha told him. 'The bravest little boy i know. And the most handsome.' Sasha informed him as he yawned. 'Bed time.' She said. 'Goodnight lord stark,' she said with a grin before carrying tommen back to his room.

'Will you stay with me? You keep the monsters away.' Tommen told her.

'Of course... what was your dream about?' sasha questioned as they walked.

'Mother killed me.' Tommen told her.

'Oh.' She turned back to ned. His face dropped. The boy dreamt of his mother killing him.

'Does that i have to kill my mother?' Tommen questioned innocently and sasha had to choke back a laugh she clamped her mouth shut shaking her head no.

'How about tomorrow i see if jon, lord starks son would help you with your sword work?' sasha pondered.

'You too?'

'Of course me too! But you know you dont listen to my critics like you should.' Sasha teased. 'you and father always think you know best when in actuality I do, I don't know when you men will start to learn that,' she teased kissing his cheek.

'Mother says woman shouldnt fight.' Tommen reminded her. 'But you are such an excellent fighter.'

'I think it is important for everyone. Man woman and child to know how to protect themselves.' Sasha informed him.

She would make a wonderful mother. Ned could see that clear as day as she took care of her little brother. She mothered him, cared for him, took care of him when he was scared. It was a shame that she hadn't been wed yet for he knew her children would be the most loved and happiest children in the world. But he was also glad that no one had wed her yet. It was selfish to think. It was selfish to want someone for himself when he knew he could never have her he had already sworn himself to another.

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkWhere stories live. Discover now