143. Pieces

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'Kings landing is in pieces.' Ned remarked

'Kings landing'. She muttered her eyes looking around the desolate area. Destruction was to tame a word for what the dragon bitch did. Massucre.

'Perhaps you could start a new. A new place. To be the home of the rightful Queen.' Ned suggested.

'What about winterfell?'


'It still stands tall. It has many good memories for me. What do you think?' Sasha questioned

'I think i would follow you anywhere. My queen.'

'Will you be my king?' sasha questioned 'I want you. Ive only ever wanted you.'

'Sasha,' Him a king? But to love her for the rest of his life did sound pretty amazing.

'Say yes.' He smiled at her closing the distance between them. 'I think it was you that once said. The king gets what he wants because he is the king. Well my dear the same applies for the queen.'

Sasha Baratheon. The rightful queen of the seven kigndoms and the andals, and the first men, and women, Queen of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm.

'Sasha Rose Stark. Has a nice ring to it.'


'In the light of the seven I now claim Sasha Baratheon the first of her name the Queen of the andals and the first men and Lord of the seven kingdoms.' Grand maester Sam crowned Sasha 'long may she reign.'

'Long may she reign.' they echoed and everyone cheered happily as Sasha stood before them. It was happening. It was real. She looked to Ned a smile so big on her lips as her fingers reached up touching her crown. Sandor and Ned clapped the loudest making her blush.

'My queen,' they echoed when she approached them and Sasha couldn't help the smile on her face.

'I don't think ive ever seen her smile this much.' Sandor remarked.

'I have.' Ned confirmed pulling Sasha to him. 'My Queen,' he repeated.


'There is this knot in my stomach and I can't-' Sasha began as she paced.

'That knot is a baby and what you are doing is right.' Ned assured her. Sasha turned back to him shaking her head.

'I don't know Ned.'

'He killed Daenerys. But he also backed her, stood by her side and led her to this point of destruction. By the time he pulled his head from his ass it was too late.' Ned reminded her.

'But the wall?'

'He wanted the wall previously, remember?' Ned told her. 'He did good at the wall.' He added. 'He was a good leader, he can get back to that, back to a clear mind a purpose for his future. But you are the queen it is your choice.' Ned reminded her. Sasha ran a hand over her stomach. 'Did he ever apologize?' Ned wondered, Sasha shook her head slightly.

'Killing the competition is a decent form of apology for betrayal of trust and loyalty.' Sasha informed him.


'Our new Queen has chosen to send you to the nights watch.'

'There is still a nights watch?' jon questioned

'You will take no lands father no children... the unsullied still want your head but they have agreed.'

'Was it right? What I did?' Jon asked 'It does not feel right' Jon admitted

'Ask me again in 10 years.' Tyrion Told him

'I dont expect we will see each other again' Jon said

'I wouldn't be so sure a few years his hand of the king would make anyone want to piss off the end of the world' Tyrion told him. 'Talk to sasha, you don't want that weight on your shoulders for the rest of your life.' Tyrion told him.


'My Queen?' Jon questioned and Sasha sucked in a pained breath, hearing Jon say it wasn't what she hoped. She took a steadying breath as she turned around.

"Snow.' She said stiffly and Jon chuckled.

'I'm sorry.'

'I don't believe you.' Sasha told him simply. Jon looked back to the boats, the unsullied waiting for him so they could bring him to the wall.

'I am.' Jon told her.

'You should have listened to me, trusted me, I thought we were friends.' Sasha remarked, 'yet I feel as though you stabbed me in the back as well.' Jon's face pinched as he stepped forward, Sandor, her new sworne sword stepped forward but Sasha offered sandor a smile and he kept his position.

'I know I betrayed your trust, I am thankful for my life-'

'Your life?' sasha asked incredulously. 'I'm not Joffrey, I'm not Cersei and I am most certainly not Daenerys!' Sasha reminded him. 'I was never going to kill you. That thought never once crossed my mind.' Sasha told him. 'you honestly think so little of me?' Jon didn't know what to say, he had betrayed her, Daenerys was ready to kill Sasha, Tyrion, she did kill everyone in her path, Cersei and Joffrey as well. Of course Sasha wasn't like them. 'I struggled with this decision to send you away,' Sasha informed him. 'I didn't know what to do with you jon! The unsullied are mad but I could have handled them, I just... I just wish you chose differently to begin with...' Sasha told him. 'then I wouldn't be sending you away at all.'

'I am sorry, for all the pain I caused you my queen.' Jon told him but Sasha couldn't help but feel a resentment, like she was second best to Daenerys even now. Her face pinched as he called her queen. Sasha thought that she would have loved it, that it would have made her so happy but Jon saying the words she had wanted to hear since she was a little girl, it stung.

'Maybe in a decade or so I will believe you.' Sasha told him.


'Take care Jon.' Sasha said walking away, Sandor followed after her. 

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkWhere stories live. Discover now