Ch. 59 - You Space Out Looking at Space

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A/N: I held off on uploading this chapter because I wanted to give myself more time between spacing out uploads (and maybe work on a few more chapters' art) and before I knew it WHOOPS what was supposed to be a week or two became a month lolololol (and I haven't drawn anything fic related since April LMAO)

This may be the only update for a while! It's the latest one that had art, and I've actually lost a bit of interest in MHA right now since I've been spending more time in other fandoms. I don't want to have to force myself to draw stuff for this fic, especially since I'm taking summer classes and everything, so... yeah. Updates will be slower and VERY infrequent, just giving a heads up.

Uploading this chapter late today because I went to the DMV and then when I came home I found out my dog ate a big piece of chocolate so we had to make sure he barfed it out .-.


"Kirishima, hey!"


Kaminari shoved his phone into Kirishima's face, flashing the redhead a large grin.

"Your hero name's in the news online! Seriously, wow dude! 'Newcomer Sidekick Red Riot Bursts onto the Scene! From his first day, he takes responsibility for the citizens and fights a villain by himself.' That's what it says!"

"Oh, really?"

Hitomi clapped her hands together, smiling at her friend. "That's amazing that you already got coverage from your first day! I'm proud of you, Kiri!"

As Kirishima thanked her and Kaminari, Bakugou growled behind her, likely from irritation that he was reminded of his failure to get his license. Hitomi stiffened as the rest of the girls talked about an article that featured Uraraka and Tsuyu, which only heightened Bakugou's annoyance.

Don't mind him... ! Stop thinking about that stupid crush...!

Iida started muttering something from his spot by his desk, before he waved his arm around, his tone stern. "Your service is remarkable. However! A student's duty is to study! You can't doze off in class!"

Hitomi sweatdropped as Kirishima and Midoriya wholeheartedly agreed, determined to keep up with their schoolwork. I'm still sorry for doing that, Iida... she thought sheepishly.

"Hey, Kirishima," Kaminari hummed. "You said your schoolwork was in trouble, but are you okay now?"

"The teachers said they'd set up supplementary lessons for me."

"Maybe I should've gone, too..." Sero said as he scratched the back of his head. "It seems tough to do both at once..."

"Everyone learns at their own pace," Yaoyorozu tried to reassure him.

Kaminari pumped his fists, an airy smile on his face. "You're absolutely right!"

"Kaminari, that doesn't mean you have an excuse not to study," Hitomi deadpanned.

"Ehh?" Kaminari whined. "Let me live in my fantasy just once, Hitomi! Besides," he pointed at her in an accusatory manner, narrowing his eyes, "someone who hardly studies at all doesn't have any right to say that!"

"...That's because I already understand most of the stuff we learn," Hitomi mumbled, looking away sheepishly. She crossed her arms, her cheeks puffing out. "I've been better about it, anyway!"

"What's with all the noise?" Aizawa said as he slid open the door. "Get to your seats."

The class was already in order.


Hitomi was walking with Mina and Hagakure at lunch, on their way to the cafeteria from the classroom. Hagakure had forgotten her phone in the classroom, and since the girls had been planning to sit together at lunch that day, Hitomi and Mina offered to go back with her to retrieve it while the rest went ahead to save them seats.

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