Ch. 25 - Happy Birthday, Hitomi!

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A/N: We're finally at my girl's birthday!

This is by far the longest chapter in my entire fic (and will likely stay that way), coming in at 2,204 words. I had to get this all out in one chapter and just ended up writing SO MUCH. This chapter IS somewhat plot-relevant, because it's going to kind of plant the seed(?) I want to try developing more later on.


Nari lay down on Hitomi's bed, swinging her feet as she scrolled through her best friend's phone

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Nari lay down on Hitomi's bed, swinging her feet as she scrolled through her best friend's phone. Hitomi was seated at her desk next to her, watching a YouTube video of a guy trying to power a car with lemons. It was now the week after final exams, and Nari had come over to hang out for the day.

"What are you even doing with my phone?"

"Just snooping through your messages. I wanna see what kind of stuff heroes-in-training talk about!"

"Well, you're not gonna find anything interesting..."

Nari stopped scrolling when a name in Hitomi's contacts caught her eye.

Kirishima (Sunshine-y Boy).

"Hey, Hitomi. Who's Kirishima, again?"

"Hm? Oh, he's the one with spiky red hair. The first friend I made at UA, remember? He's really nice."

Hitomi turned back to watch her video as Nari opened Kirishima's contact page, pulling her own phone out.

Let's see...

She copied the number to her own phone, setting Hitomi's phone down to message the redhead.

Hey, it's Nari. Hitomi's friend.

Oh, hey! Did Hitomi give you my number?

No, I copied it from her phone when she wasn't looking.

Oh, so what's up?

Did you know Hitomi's birthday is in a few days?

Woah, really??? She never told me when it was!

Listen, I kinda wanna surprise her this year since it's her first birthday back here after she moved to America. Can you help me?

Of course! Just tell me what you need. Oh, I can get the rest of the class to help too!



July 11

Nari barged into Hitomi's room only to find the bluenette still asleep.

"Happy birthday, Hitomi! Wake up, I've got plans for you today!" She tried shaking her friend awake, but Hitomi only glanced at the clock to see it was 8 o'clock before pulling the blanket over herself.

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