Ch. 39 - Discussions of Crushes and Earrings

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A/N: I remember I really liked writing this chapter, hehe...

There's slight foreshadowing for how I'm planning Bakutomi's development, so if you catch it, kudos to you :3

Mina and the other girls had invited Hitomi to hang out with them down in the common area that night, and instead of staying cooped up in her room, she'd decided to join them.

She sat at the edge of the four-seater couch, listening to the others talk about the grueling day they'd just had.

"Hitomi-chan, how have your moves been going?" Hagakure asked.

"Hm? Oh, pretty well, actually! I struggled for the first few days, but after some advice from All Might, I was able to come up with some stuff! I'm pretty proud of them."

"Your moves are named after spacey stuff, right?" Mina asked. "That's perfect for your hero theme!"

Hitomi blushed at the praise. "Thanks."

Hagakure turned to Tsuyu next. "What about you, Tsuyu-chan?"

"I've perfected a move even more frog-like than before. I'm sure even you'll be surprised, Tooru-chan."

The invisible girl turned to the brunette at the end of their couch, who was sipping her drink and seemingly lost in thought. "What about you, Ochako-chan?"

Uraraka didn't answer, making Tsuyu poke her shoulder. "Ochako-chan?"

The brunette jolted, nearly dropping her drink as she looked at Tsuyu in surprise.

"You seem tired," the frog girl said.

"Oh, no, I'm not tired at all!" Uraraka stuttered, pumping her fists. "I'm just getting started! ...At least, that's how it's supposed to be, but, how do I put it...?" Hitomi noticed her blush before she continued. "Recently, my heart's been feeling all stirred up..."

"IT'S LOVE!" Mina exclaimed.

Uraraka's face turned an even darker shade of red as she waved her hands around rapidly, reminding Hitomi of when the brunette had done the same thing during final exams.

"Wh-What?! Glove? Shove? Dove? I don't know what you're talking about!!"

Hitomi smiled to herself as Mina pestered Uraraka about who it was she liked.

It was cute. She wondered what it'd be like to be in love.

Well, minus the embarrassment...

She thought back to elementary school, remembering a boy she knew with unruly brown hair and a mischievous smile. It wasn't "love", given she was just a kid, but she'd definitely had a puppy crush on him back then. The embarrassment and fluttery nerves were something she could definitely do without now, though.

Hitomi tuned back into the conversation when she heard Uraraka's voice from above, realizing her friend had made herself float. She made eye contact with Uraraka from her seat, Hitomi's face shifting into an innocent smile that Uraraka just knew had more meaning behind it.

"Wh-Why are you looking at me like that, Hitomi-chan?!"

"Hm? What are you talking about, Uraraka? I just think it's cute, is all."

Hitomi had a glint in her eye, giving off a look of pure, utter knowing that Uraraka realized at least one person was aware of who she liked. At least, if she actually liked anyone. Obviously.

"Well, how about you, Hitomi-chan?!" Uraraka was desperate to make the conversation go anywhere else, wanting to get everyone off her back about a crush she definitely did not have.

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