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It had been a year since Violet and Brian left the team

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It had been a year since Violet and Brian left the team. They were still in contact with all of them but just haven't seen anyone since they left. Besides Mia who had brought a house opposite them a few months ago as Dom wanted her to stay out of the action from now on as well. Brian went to a street race once ever week and every so often Violet or Mia would join him while the other looked after the kids. But every so often they all went and got a baby sitter. They all definitely missed the team but were happy they were out of the action so they could focus on family. Violet had had her and Brians' second child the same week Mia had arrived. It was a little girl who they needed up calling Olivia. Not much new besides Olivia had happened in their lives over the past year. They had just been living a quiet lifestyle trying to keep their new found family out of harms way.

Violet was out in the garden playing with Jack and Nico while Olivia was down for a nap and Brian and Mia were in the kitchen talking while every so often looking out the window and watching Violet and the boys.
"I know Dom said this to you a while ago but I really have never seen Violet this happy." Mia tells Brian as they watch Violet pick up Jack and swing him around.
"It's because we no longer have to hide. We know longer have people after us. We are free." Brian says causing Mia to nod.
"Yeah. I guess you are right." Mia says taking a sip of her drink. "Shall we go outside with them?"
"Yeah sure. Let me just grab a drink for Violet." Brian replies going over to the fridge and getting a beer for Violet and opening it then him and Mia head outside.

"Hey babe." Brian says as him and Mia make their way over to Violet and the two boys who were playing in the small sandpit.
"Hey." Violet says with a smile as her husband and sister get over to them.
Brian hands Violet the beer before leaning down and kissing her.
"So what are you boys doing?" Mia asks as she sits down between Nico and Violet.
"Auntie Vivi is helping us build sandcastles." Nico answers.
"Is she?" Brian asks sitting down between Jack and Violet.
"Yeah. She is!" Jack says excitedly.
"Well as you two are here I'm going to go and check on Olivia." Violet says starting to stand up.
"I can go instead if you want." Brian tells her.
"It's ok. I need a break from the sun anyway." Violet says as she fully stood up before walking away.

Violet walks into Olivia's room and sees her awake and trying to stand up with the help of the bars of the crib.
"What are you doing princess?" Violet asks walking over and looking down at her daughter causing Olivia to laugh. "Do you want to come out?" Olivia reached her arms up causing Violet to laugh. "Come here then princess."
Violet lifts Olivia out of the crib before carrying her downstairs and out to the garden.

"Aww look who's up." Mia says spotting Violet carrying Olivia.
"Look who it is." Violet says before waving Olivias hand for her. "It's auntie Mia and Nico."
Olivia giggles as Violet sits down with the others and and hands Olivia to Mia.
"Hey sweetheart." Mia says tickling Olivia causing her to giggle while Nico and Jack are still building sandcastles seeming unfazed.

They all spend the rest of the day out in the garden playing in the sandpit and just messing about.

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