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While the boys were in the living room with the kids, Violet, Mia, Letty and Ramsey were in the kitchen

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While the boys were in the living room with the kids, Violet, Mia, Letty and Ramsey were in the kitchen.
"So how did it go with Brian and Jakob meeting?" Ramsey asks.
"It went well. Things with them clicked pretty much instantly." Violet says. "Also the kids love him."
"Those kids love anyone." Letty says.
"No, they do not." Violet says.
"Are you sure about that?" Mia asks.
"Okay fine, fine. Maybe they do love everyone." Violet sighs laughing.
"Hey mom. Auntie, Mia, auntie Letty and auntie Ramsey." Olivia says, walking into the kitchen.
"Hey Liv. You okay?" Violet asks.
"Yeah. It was just getting boring out there." Olivia says, grabbing a can of coke from the fridge.
"What could be boring about hanging out with your dad, uncles, cousins, brother and sister?" Mia asks.
Olivia gives her a look before jumping onto the counter.
"Livy, are you coming back?" Tesha asks, entering the room.
"And watch 'Frozen' for the millionth time? Yeah. No thanks." Olivia says.
"Olivia, go sit in the living room with your dad, uncles, cousins, brother and sister. Your uncles and cousins don't get to see you much." Violet tells them.
"I don't get to see my amazing aunties much either." Olivia points out.
"Go watch 'Frozen' then we'll treat you girls to a girls afternoon." Letty tells her.
"But..." Olivia starts.
"Olivia, go." Violet says, clicking her fingers and pointing to the kitchen door.
"Fine." Olivia sighs.
The teenager places her can of Coke on the counter before jumping down off the counter. She turns around and grabs her can before walking out to the living room. Tesha turns and gives her mom and aunties a thumbs up and a smile before walking to the living room as well.
"She's so innocent." Ramsey says.
"Of course she is. She's only nine." Mia points out.
"Really Mi? We we're doing all sort of things when we were nine." Violet says.
"Weren't you off with Jakob when you were nine?" Ramsey asks.
Violet tightens her lips as she turns to her.
"Right." Violet says.
"Sorry if I over stepped a line there." Ramsey says.
"No, no. You didn't. Honestly it's fine." Violet reassures her.
Violets phone then goes off and she checks to see it was Samuel.
"Everything okay?" Letty asks.
"Oh yeah, it's just a friend. I'll be back." Violet says, before walking outside through the back door.

"Hey Sam." Violet says, as she walks into the garage.
"Hey Vi. Have you made a decision about the show?" Samuel asks.
"Yeah I have. I'm  going to do it."  Violet tells him.
"That's great!" Samuel says. "Will you be able to go to the table read in 2 weeks."
"Should be. Liv goes on a school trip with her class to Rome on the day of, so I may be a bit late." Violet explains.
"Well, I can't wait to go through all this again with you. It was so much fun when we were teenagers it's bound to be the same again." Samuel says.
"Who else is doing it?" Violet asks.
"Everyone." Samuel says.
"Mom!" Jack calls from the back of the door.
"I can't wait to see everyone. I got to go. Jack needs me. I'll see you soon." Violet tells him.
"See you soon." Samuel responds, before Violet hangs up.
"What's up, bud?" Violet asks her son as she emerges from the garage.
"We're going out for dinner. We toke a vote." Jack tells her, as Violet walks up the steps to the house.
"I wasn't apart of this vote." Violet points out.
"Even if you were and you voted not going out, we stole would be going out. The only one who didn't want to go out was uncle Roman because he's to tired." Jack explains.
"That's uncle Roman for you." Violet says with a laugh, as the two of them enter the house.
"Who were you talking to in the garage?" Jack asks.
"Just talking to Samuel about the show." Violet answers.
"So your definitely doing it then?" Jack asks.
"Yeah, table read is the day Liv goes off on her trip to Rome." Violet explains, as she grabs a glass from the kitchen table.
"Why can't I go with Liv to Rome?" Jack asks.
"Because it's a schoo ltrip for just her class. When you were in her year you went to France." Violet reminds him, filling the glass with water and taking a sip.
"Fine." Jack sighs.
"Hey guys, we're heading out, come on." Brian tells his wife and son as he pokes his head around the door frame.
"Ok. Coming." Violet says, quickly cleaning the glass and putting it back in the cupboard.
Violet ruffles Jack's hair as she walks past him and out of the kitchen.
"Mom!" Jack groans, as he fixes his hair in the window.
After fixing his hair Jack walks back out to the living room where they all leave and head to the resturant.

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