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Tess, Mr Nobody's daughter, walks up to Dom with the two beers in her hand

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Tess, Mr Nobody's daughter, walks up to Dom with the two beers in her hand.
"Queenie told me I could find you here." Tess tells him. "Belgium?"
"Mr Nobody said he had a daughter." Dom says.
"He did?" Tess asks, sitting down, placing a beer in front of herself and one in front of Dom. "Well, now that he has gone... missing, I came in from the cold."
"You're dad kept the agency in line. Now all the anchors have been cut. Now there's no code. No ones safe."
"right, the agency has turned it's back on everything it stood for. The new boss Aimes. He's coming at you with everything. I'm buying you some time. And... uh, I borrowed their little tracking device thingy. Look familar?"
"Gods Eye." Dom says, looking at the device in Tess' hand.
"I put that in a vault somwhere." Dom says.
"People pull vaults out of walls. I think it's safer with me." Tess jokes. "I pulled a screen graph off of a traffic camera. Put it in Gods Eye. There was a hit in Rio. You wouldn't happen to have any enemies in Rio. Would you?"
"Reyes." Dom says.
"Hernan Reyes? Still pretty dead, but... he has a son. Dante." Tess says.
"So you're gonna have to get me to Rio." Dom says.
"That's your second wish." Tess says. "You have one more."
"Letty." Dom says.
"Letty's in a black site prison off of every map." Tess says.
"Then get her out." Dom says.
"Nobody can." Tess tells him.
"Nobody would." Dom argues.
"Dom, I'm so sorry. But what you're asking me to do, is impossible." Tess tells him.
Dom takes the cross necklace off of his neck sliding it to Tess.
"Nothing's impossible." Dom says. "You just have to have faith."
Tess picks the necklace up, looking at Dom.


"My parents told me a couple years ago I had a older sister. Ever since then I have done everything I can to find her." Vivian tells Violet. "How do I know you are really her?"
"Does this prove it?" Violet asks, handing the the DNA results.
Vivian looks at the results before looking up at Violet.
"It's you." Vivian says, causing Violet to smile. "I can't believe it."
Vivian laughs happily as she hugs Violet, Violet hugs her back with a wide smile.
""It's so great to see you." Violet says.
"How long ago did you find out?" Vivan asks, as they pull apart.
"A few days ago. My Abulita accidently spilt the secret that I was adopted." Violet says.
"I would have never guessed a Toretto was my sister. I mean, isn't their whole 'code' about family?" Vivian asks.
"Yes. It is." Violet says.
"And they didn't tell you the truth for your whole life?" Vivian questions.
"No. They didn't." Violet says.
"That's not sticking by their code if you tell me." Vivian says, causing Violet to nod.
"I really wish I could stay longer but... right now there's currently a guy hunting down the whole team and I have to get back to my husband and daughter before he gets to them." Violet explains.
"How about you don't goback to them and I help you take down this guy." Vivian says.
"I'm sorry, what?" Violet asks.
"Come on. I've always wanted to do something like this. You and your 'family', really inspired me." Vivian says.
"In what way?" Violet says.
"You aren't afraid to put your lives on the line for each other or other people you don't even know. If that's not inspiring, I don't know what is." Vivian says, causing Violet to lightly smile.
"Are you sure you want to get involved in this. Because once you do, there's no going back." Violet warns her new found sister.
"I'm sure. Anything to help my sister out." Vivian says.
Violet gives her a small smile and another hug.
"Thank you." Violet says. "My friend Samuel's waiting over there. Want to come over and meet him then we can get started?"
Vivian nods before they walk over to Samuel. The three of them talk for a little while before Violet's phone goes off. She looks at it moving her hair behind her ear. Her hand freezes by her hair as she sees the number.
"Everything okay, Vi?" Samuel asks.
"It's the same number that told me Brian, Dom, Jakob and Mia were hiding something from me." Violet says, looking between the other two.
She looks back down at her phone taking a breath before answering it.

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