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Violet walks into the kitchen to see her youngest daughter sat at the breakfast bar

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Violet walks into the kitchen to see her youngest daughter sat at the breakfast bar.
"Hey Tes." Violet says and kissing her daughters head as she walks past.
"Hey mom." Tesha replies.
"What you drawing?" She asks grabbing three bowls from the cardboard.
"I have to draw a family tree for school today." She answers.
"Oh okay. And how it's going?" She asks.
"Good. I only have one.... more... thing... to do." Tesha says finishing as Violet walks over to the other side of the breakfast bar to her daughter. "Do you want to see?"
"Of course I do." Violet replies putting the bowls down and taking the drawing from her daughter. "Sweetie, this looks amazing."
One the drawing was, Tesha, Violet, Brian, Jack, Oliva, Jakon, Dom, Letty, little Brian, Mia, Nico, Roman, Tej, Han, Ramsey and Violet's dad, Jack.
"Thanks mom." Tesha says.
"Do you want me to put this in your school bag while you eat breakfast?" Violet asks.
"Yes please." Tesha says.
Violet makes Tesha some ceral before handing it to her then going over to her bag putting the drawing inside.
"I'm just going to go see what's taking your brother and sister so long." Violet tells Tesha before going up stairs. "Jack! Olivia! You better be up!" Violet first walks into Jack's room as he was in the first door she got to. When she opened the door, she saw her son still in bed sleeping."Jack Vince O'Conner! Get up now! I woke you up five minutes ago."
"Mom, It's to early." Jack groans.
"I don't care, you have school. Now get up, I expect to see you downstairs when I go check to see what's taking your sister so long, don't worry about getting changed, you can do that after breakfast." Violet tells him.
"Is dad downstairs? I want to ask him if I can continue helping him and uncle Dom with fixing cars at the garage after school." Jack asks slowly getting out of bed.
"Dad's already at the garage with uncle Dom. But, If you and Olivia hurry up, we can stop by on our way to school." Violet tells him.
"Thanks mom." Jack says before leaving the room.
Violet follows but instead of going downstairs like her son she goes to her oldest daughters room who is also still asleep.
"Olivia Jessie O'Conner!" Get up and get downstairs now." Violet says.
"Mom, can I just miss school today?" Olivia asks slowly sitting up.
"No, you can not. Now get up." Violet says.
Oliva sighs before doing as she's told.

Tesha had already finished her breakfast when Violet got back with Olivia, so Violet sent her upstairs to get changed and brush her teeth,
"Mom, where did we all get our names from?" Jack asks.
"Hmm, well, it's a long story. That I don't really have time to tell right now, as you guys still need to get ready for school. Why don't me and dad tell you tonight?" Violet suggests.
"Okay, thanks mom!" Olivia says.
"No problem, babies." Violet says smiling at her kids.
Olivia and Jack finish their breakfast and Violet sends them upstairs to finish getting for school before washing the dishes.


Violet and Brian were sat in the living room cuddling, when their three children came bursting in from outside where Jack and Olivia had been playing with Tesha.
"Okay mom, dad, time for you to tell us where we got our names from." Jack says as the three children sit on the other couch.
"Okay." Violet says sitting up straight.
"Let's do oldest to youngest." Brian suggest.

"Agreed, so Jack, you got your name from my dad, your grandfather. He was also called Jack as you already know. But the nickname 'J' that I sometimes call you came from what I call Uncle Jakob. When you were born, and until about a nearly a year ago I thought that Jakob was dead, so I called you 'J' in memory of him. Your middle name comes from mine and your dad's good friend Vince, who also sadly passed away." Violet explains.

"Olivia, your first name actually links to your moms middle name, you mom middle name is Grace, and one personality of the name Olivia is grace. Your middle name came from on of mom's friends who was my friend for a little bit of time. His name was Jesse. Spelt the same way as your name just without the 'I'." Brian explains.

"And Tes. Your's probably has the longest and most special, yet confusing meaning for anyone who doesn't know you. You know your backstory, right?" Violet asks causing Tesha to nod. "So the name Tesha means survivor. And the whole family knows what you went through. And what you went through was so hard. So me and your dad thought 'Tesha' was the perfect name for you as you survived it. And as for your middle name that comes from another one of mine and your dad's friends. Her name was also Gisele. And she was honestly just like you. So brave and put herself out there, not worrying about getting hurt."

"Wow, so we're all named after pretty special people." Olivia says.
"Yes, you are." Brian says with a smile.
"Do you have any photos of the people we are named after?" Tesha asks.
"I'm sure we do somewhere, I'll go have a look at the photo books." Violet says before getting up and leaving.
She comes back with a few photo albums and the O'Conner family spend the rest of the evening looking at photo's of all the people who have been apart of the team in the past, or people that are still apart of the team.

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