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The team besides Letty, Dom and Violet were in the main area sitting down in silence

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The team besides Letty, Dom and Violet were in the main area sitting down in silence. Roman walks up to them with a beer in his hand.
"You know. I really don't think we should be here with Jakob knowing where we are." Roman tells the team.
"Where else can we go?" Tej replies. "There's no where else for us to go."
"All I am saying is that us lot right now. We are all crazy for just sitting here in a place we just got attacked in." Roman says.
"Can you just shut up for a few minutes?" Tej asks.


Dom wakes up and sloly sits up gaining the attention of Letty who was sat down on the floor near him. She comes and sits with him with a hand on his shoulder and another on  his chest as they look at eachother.
"You came to me Letty." Dom says.
"None of it is worth a thing if I lose you." Letty tells him before tears start to well up in her eyes. "Do you hear me?"
"This is who we are." Dom replies.
Letty laughs a little before placing a hand on Doms face.
"Yeah." Letty whispers before kissing him.


"From here things move quickly. Jakob has all the pieces he needs. Once he activates aries, all he needs to do is send the signal global." Ramsey tells the team.
"And then there's no stopping him, ever." Tej adds.
"He will have to launch some kind of pirate satellite, something that will act as a amplifier,infecting other satellites in obit one by one." Ramsey explains.
"So we find him, stop him and get Elle back." Han says looking at Mia.
"Our odds are zero here, Han." Tej tells him. "Satellite equipment is easy to track, but we aren't going to stop Jakob to a launch."
"Which gives us a two target problem." Ramsey says "Jakob on the ground."
"With his own private army." Mia adds.
"And the satellite..." Tej starts.
"Which can't be hacked." Ramsey finishes. "Not remotely we'd have to do it physically, 50 miles off ground while the satellite is in orbit."
"Orbit?" Roman asks.
"We need help." Mia tells them. "Otherwise we have no chance."
"We do it ourselves." Dom says as him and Letty stand on the stairs causing everyone to look at him.
"Its where we've been that got us this far." Letty adds.
"No!" Roman says "No, no, no, no, no, no. Do ya'll not understand? Clearly ya'll don't. Because if you did you'd be pissing your pants like a normal person." Violet walks into the room and goes and stands next to Mia giving her sister a confused look which Mia responds with a 'I will tell you later' look. "Orbit. That's outer space. That's another level. What we going to do? Hijack a space shuttle? Put rockets on our backs?"
"That's exactly what we are going to do." Dom replies.
"What?" Roman asks while everyone looks at eachother.


Violet and Mia were off to the side talking. The rest of the team where doing their own things and getting ready for the mission. Mia had been explain what was going onto Violet.
"What so someone has to go into outer space?" Violet asks.
"Yeah." Mia says.
"None of us are trained for that. This could become dangerous really quickly." Violet reminds her sister.
"We know. But if we don't do anything Jakob succeeds." Mia tells her causing Violet to nod and look down. "Hey, sorry. Probably shouldn't mention his name at the moment."
"Its ok." Violet says still looking down.
"How are you doing with this?" Mia asks as Dom comes over.
"Well I just sa my brother who I thought was dead for years." Violet says with a small laugh. "And he doesn't even seem to care about me anymore."
"I'm sure he does Vi. Your the only family he had for years. He wont just stop caring about you." Dom tells her.
"I ran away with him, Dom. I nearly lost you guys cause of it. I went with him. I was 8. I didn't know what was going on. He didn't bother to stop me." Violet reminds him. "To be honest, I'm starting to think that he never really cared."
"Of course he cared Vi." Mia tells her.
"I don't know guys." Violet says shrugging her shoulders. "I'm going to go call Brian."
"Ok." Dom says as Violet walks past him.
"I'm worried about her Dom." Mia says as both siblings watch their little sister walk down the tunnel.
"She'll be ok. She's Violet. Shes one of the strongest people we know." Dom reassures his sister putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Its obvious this is taking it out of her Dom. What if she snaps when we are out on the mission and does something stupid getting herself killed?" Mia asks.
"She wont." Dom tells her. "You and Han will be with her the whole time."
Mia nods before her and Dom go to help the team get ready.


Once outside Violet takes her shoes and socks off before she pulls her phone out and calls Brian.
"Vi?" Brian asks.
"Brian." Violet says happily as she sits down his her feet dipped in the water around the base.
"Thank go." Brian says causing Violet to laugh.
"Why are you saying that?" Violet asks.
"I haven't heard from you in days. I thought something happened. I've tried calling everyday." Brian tells her.
"Yeah, its been really busy here. But I couldn't go another day without hearing your voice." Violet tells him.
"Whats been going on?" Brian asks.
"It is Jakob." Violet says a few tears coming to her eyes. "But not the Jakob that I know. He's not the same person he was. It's like he doesn't seem to care."
"You'll get him back, Vi. I know you will." Brian tells her. "I love you, ok. Its all going to be ok."
"I love you to." Violet says.
"Violet. We are leaving in 15." Mia tells her coming up behind her.
"Ok. I will be there in a minute." Violet replies. "I got to go."
"I know." Brian says. "I miss you. Be safe, don't get yourself killed."
"I will and promise I wont. I miss you to." Violet says. "See you soon Babe."
"See you soon baby." Brian says before Violet hangs up.

Violet walks back into the base and gets changed before going back out to the team before they head out.

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