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Olivia was walking with Han, Ramsey, Roman and Tej in a back alley

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Olivia was walking with Han, Ramsey, Roman and Tej in a back alley.
"The agency is on our tail." Olivia warns.
"We need to get in gear and get to the vandaview as soon as possible." Ramsey says.
"It's right in here." Han says, as they get to a door. "You guys hold back."I'll take care of this."
"That's a bad idea. Like, Roman level bad." Tej says.
"What? What are you talking about?" Roman asks.
"You heard what he said." Olivia says, crossing her arms. "But, Han. Seriously. We've got your back."
Han smiles wrapping an arm around the teenagers shoulders, pulling her into his side. Olivia doesn't uncross her arms but she smiles.
"I got to do this alone." Han says, fist pumping with Roman. Han walks up to the door and knocks. A couple moments later, Deckard Shaw opens the door. "I have something to talk to you about."
"The only reason a dead guy shows up at my door." Deckard says. "Revenge."
Deckard grabs Han pulling him inside.
Roman, Tej and Olivia run over but don't get there in time as Deckard locks the door.

"Should've stayed dead." Deckard tells Han, walking up to him as he stands up. "And now I'll have to repeat myself."
"You ruined my snacks." Han says, before Deckard starts fighting him.
"Relax. I don't want to fight you." Han tells him.
"Then this is gonna end quick." Deckard says, before kicking him in the stomach.
Han falls against the punchbag, looking at it confused as he hears someone groan in pain from inside. Just as Deckard goes to attack Han again, a car breaks through the garage door, sending the punching bag flying. The two knock out the guys that were in the truck. Once the were all out, Deckard pins Han against the truck pointing the gun at him.
"What the hell?" Han asks.
"You bring more men to kill me?" Deckard asks.
"They're trying to kill me to." Han informs him, before they see more men walking towards the place through the window.
"Looks like we got more company." Deckard says, letting go of Han. "You still drive?"
"What do you think?" Han asks.

"How's it coming, Ramsey?" Olivia asks. "We got to hurry up. For all we know Deckard could have already killed Han."
"Any second." Ramsey replies.
The group turn to see people from the agency coming up to them.
"Great." Olivia says under her breath, as the four of them raise there hands.
"Drop the laptop." One of the agency guard's tells Ramsey.
Ramsey pretends to go to drop the laptop, but wraps the strap around the guy in front of her's neck. The other three then join in with the attack.

As Han climbs into the driver seat of the truck, Deckard hides behind the wall. Three men break through the glassing in the roof. Deckard throws a smoke bomb and Han drives into the three men. More men come through the door. Deckard sets off more smoke mobs, as Han gets out of the truck. The two fight all the men until they were all knocked out.

Meanwhile, outside all the men were out apart from one. As Roman goes to help Olivia, who was fighting the man, Olivia kicks the man in the face finally knocking him out.
"Wow, little O'Conner." Tej says.
"Shut up." Olivia tells him, before turning to Ramsey. "Are we in, or..."
"We're in." Ramsey says.
"Good. The let's go." Olivia says, walking towards the door.

One man goes to attack Han from behind but Deckard shoots him.
"Now we're even." Deckard says.
Olivia was first to run through the door with Roman, Tej and Ramsey following closely behind.
"You okay?" Roman asks Han, causing Han to nod.
A guy, with a beaten up face, then pokes his head out of the punching bag.
"Jesus!" Olivia says, as the all jump.
The guy climbs out of the punching bag, running away scared.
"You see, I understand all of this." Roman says, gesturing to the agency men on the floor. "But what the hell was that?"
"You got scared." Tej says, laughing.
"No I didn't." Roman says.
"You totally did." Olivia says, laughing.


"Dante Reyes?"
"Ah. Violet Toretto."
Violet and Vivian sit down opposite Dante.
"I'm Vivian Richards. Violet's biological sister." Vivian says.
"Nice to see you both." Dante says. "Why, did you call to meet? I mean, it can't be to kill me because you would have already done it."
"It's the opposite exactually." Violet says, before leaning back in her chair as she stares at Dante.
"What's the point in meeting me if you just aren't going to kill me?"  Dante says.
"I thought you were smart." Violet says, with a smirk, causing Vivian to laugh.
"Why don't you just come out and say what you want to say and then we'll see who's smart." Dante says, smirking back.
Violet looks towards Vivian who nods at her. Violet nods back before looking to Dante, who was still smirking, looking between the pair.
"We want to team up. With you."

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