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"How do you keep on beating me?" Jakob asks the kids as they were playing 'Mario Kart' together

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"How do you keep on beating me?" Jakob asks the kids as they were playing 'Mario Kart' together.
Violet and Brian were sat on the other couch watching.
"We learnt from the best." Olivia says.
"Aww, thanks sweetie." Brian says.
"I'm talking about mom." Olivia says, causing them all to laugh.
"She is pretty good at the game." Brian agrees.
"Pretty good? If I'm only pretty good you must be awful. I beat you every single time." Violet says laughing.
"Yeah, yeah. Okay. You're amazing at the game." Brian says.
Violet laughs as she leans into her husband more.
"Jack, off your phone." Violet tells her son.
"He's probably texting Stephanie." Olivia teases.
"Who's Stephanie?" Brian asks.
"His girlfriend." Olivia says.
"Shut up! She's not my girlfriend." Jack says.
"You sure? You're definitely blushing." Olivia says.
"Ohh, Jack's got a girlfriend." Tesha teases.
"You both are so annoying. Let's just play the game." Jack says.
Violet smiles, even though Jack may not always like his sisters, he would never let any harm come to them. All their family says it's because he's seen how Brian and Violet are with each other. Violet could have never seen her life like this. Especially after the truth about Brian being a cop all those years ago came out. But now, she couldn't be happier then she was now. Her family was healed. All her siblings got along again. And that's all she wanted.

Violet was sat watching her kids, brother and husband all playing a board game when her phone goes off. She looks to see a message from Samuel.
'Hey, I'm outside Jakob's house. Can you come out?'
Violet reads it before standing up.
"Where are you going, babe?" Brian asks.
"I just have to go outside. Samuel is out there." Violet tells them.
"Wait? Samuel Anderson?" Jakob asks.
"Yeah, Samuel Anderson." Violet says.
"Invite him in. I haven't seen him in years." Jakob says.
"Okay. I'll be back in a minute." Violet tells all of them, before walking out the door and seeing Samuel. "Hey Sam."
"Hey Vi." Samuel says, as they hug.
"What are you doing here?" Violet asks.
"I've got something to give to you." Samuel says, before handing her an envelope.
"You seriously toke a plane here just to give me an envelope?" Violet questions, with a laugh.
"Open it." Samuel tells her.
Violet looks at him with a confused smile, before opening it.
"Oh my God." Violet says, covering her mouth as she reads the letter.
"I know right?" Samuel says.
"I can't believe it." Violet says, smiling. "Our shows getting renewed for a reunion season and possibly more?"
The show Violet and Samuel had done when they were teenagers was getting renewed for another season years later. Violet was extremely happy about it. But considering she had been out of the public eye like that for years, and the life she had now... did she really want to go back to that life? Was she ready to go back to that life?
"I know. It's insane. I'm doing it. Are you going to do it?" Samuel asks.
"I don't know. I have to talk to Brian and the kids first before I make the decision." Violet says.
"Yeah, I ge that." Samuel says.
"Perks of the married and mother life." Violet says, half jokingly half seriously.
"Well, I've got to get going." Samuel says.
"Why don't you come in? Jakob wants to see you again." Violet says.
"It's family time. Your kids are getting to know their uncle. I don't want to intrude. I'll see him another time." Smauel says, causing Violet to nod.
"Okay. See you soon?" Violet asks.
"See you soon." Samuel replies.
He gives her a quick hug before leaving.

"Hey mom!" Tesha says, as Violet walks back into the house.
"Hey." Violet replies.
"Where's Samuel?" Jakob asks.
"He had to get going." Violet tells him, sitting back down on the couch.
"What's that in your hand, mom?" Olivia asks pointing to the envelope.
"Oh um... you guys know the show I was in when I was a teenager?" Violet asks.
"Yeah." Jack says.
"It's getting renewed for a reunion season." Violet tells them.
"That's amazing, babe." Brian says.
"Do you guys think I should do it?" Violet asks.
"Uhm... without a question yes." Olivia says.
The others agree causing Violet to tell them she'd think about it. When she left acting behind she never thought she would do it again. But this was a once in a life time opportunity that she couldn't pass up. Right?

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