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It was a few days after Nico's birthday and Violet end Brian was out getting some shopping

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It was a few days after Nico's birthday and Violet end Brian was out getting some shopping. Violet was by the frozen food section and had just opened the fridge when she saw someone who looked like her brother.
"Jakob?" Violet says closing the forge and walking after the person. She runs into Brian and hands him the basket. "I will back in a minute."
"Where are you going?" Brian asks.
"I just need some fresh air." Violet tells him before going out the shop and see spots a person who looks like her brother again. "Jakob."
The person turns around and looks at her confused causing Violet to sigh noticing that it wasn't her brother.
"Sorry I think you have the wrong person." The person says.
"Yeah sorry. You just look a lot like someone I use to know." Violet says.
"Well sorry I'm not that person." The person tells her.
"It's ok. Have a good day." Violet says heading towards the door of the shop again.
"You to." The person says before Violet turns back and smiles before heading back into the shop and walking over to Brian.
"Hey. You ok?" Brian asks.
"Yeah." Violet says looking down. "It's just I could have sworn I saw Jakob. But it was just someone that looked like him."
"Come here." Brian says wrapping a arm around her and hugging her noticing the few tears in her eyes. "You go on out to the car I will get everything else then we can go home. Ok?"
"Ok." Violet says with a small smile before Brian kisses her then she heads out to the car while Brian goes to get the rest of the shopping.

Violet and Brian pack away the shopping before heading over to Mia's where the kids where. Violet knocks on the door and Mia answers after a couple of seconds.
"Hey guys come on in." Mia says before Violet and Brian walk in. "Did you guys get all the shopping that you guys needed?"
"Yeah we did." Violet says before holding up some beers. "We even got these for you."
"Oh thanks." Mia says taking the beers. "I will go out these in the fridge. The kids are in the playroom if you guys want to go in there."
"Ok. Thanks for looking after them Mia." Brian says as they walk towards the playroom.
"Of course. I love looking after them. And Nico loved to have people to play with." Mia tells them.
Violet smiles and goes to say something else but her phone goes off. She looks to see that Letty was calling her.
"Hey Let what's up?" Violet asks.
"We have got a problem." Letty tells her.
"What it it?" Violet asks.
"Your brother Jakob. He's back." Letty says.
Violet looks at Brian and Mia confused.
"What no. He can't be." Violet tells her.
"Well he is. Me and Dom both saw him." Letty explains.
"Where are you guys?" Violet asks.
"Caspian Sea ." Letty answer.
"I'll be there tomorrow." Violet says hanging up before Letty could reply.
"What happened?" Mia asks confused.
"The team is in Caspian Sea. And apparently so is Jakob." Violet answers.
"Jakob's back?"

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