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A blonde enters a bar looking around at the men infront of her

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A blonde enters a bar looking around at the men infront of her.
"I'm looking for someone. You boys look like you could use a drink." The blonde says. "How about a round on me. How about as many rounds as they can handle."
"You come in here looking for people, you ain't walking out." A guy says, walking up to the blonde as she throws the money on the counter.
The blonde fights a few guys before the guy behind the bar throws her a gun. She catchs it shooting up in the air once before pointing it infront of her going around the room.
"Shot? Huh?? Shots?" The blonde asks, before spotting a familar figure sat at the table. "Beers. Two of them."


Roman, Tej, Han and Ramsey all come out of a container on a ship.
"Sneaking us out of Rome in a ship container full with acisad that was a terrible idea, Roman." Tej says. "I think I lost my sense of smell.
"It's not after shave, it's tear gas." "Ramsey tells Roman, who had be spraying something all over him the whole time.
"Ay, man. I don't know what you are all talking about. I smell magic. I toke a bottle for myself." Roman says, sparying himself some more before walking ahead.
"This is all thanks to you, you know that, right?" Tej asks, as they follow Roman up the steps.
"Oh you see, you just have to follow my lead, and a lead-ter. I'm a natrual born lead-ter." Roman says, walking to the top of the steps.
"Where are we?" Han asks.
"I brought you back home, Ramsey." Roman says.
"The city with the most amount of survillance camera's. Perfect." Ramsey says sarcastically.
The group looked ahead of them to see London. Tej, Ramsey and Han look at each other, before looking at Roman who was smiling.


"What are we doing at a gas station?" Jack asks, as him, Little B and Jakob walk around to the boot of the car.
"We're here to get a few things." Jakob says, opening the boot.
Little B and Jack's eyes widen as they see the technology in the boot.
"Oh Cool what is that?" Little B asks.
"That it a technical toolkit. If other words super awesome stuff you will never get to use." Jakob says, scanning some passports. "Okay. Eyes open. Hold still don't smile like that. It's unsettling." Jakob takes a photo of Little B before taking a photo of Jack. "Sweet. B your new name is Chester."
"Chester?" Little B questions.
"Jack, you're new names Oscar." Jakob says, turning the camera to himself. "And you're on a kayaking trip with your handsome ripped uncle Rodger. Now it's time to get you some new clothes. You got a little something more chic then PJ pants, right?"
"From a gas station?" Jack asks.
"From a gas station." Jakob repeats, starting to walk away before throwing his Keys up in the air and catching them again.
Jack and a little B share a look before they both sigh before following Jakob.


"You doing okay, kid?" Queenie asks Olivia as they drive to the airport.
"As okay as I can be." Olivia replies, staring out the window, not daring to look at the older women who was driving.
"Want to talk about how you are feeling?" Queenie asks.
"It's just like the whole family is falling apart. First my mom is angry at my dad, uncles and auntie, and now this." Olivia says.
"Why's your mom mad at your dad, uncles and auntie?" Queenie asks.
"Don't know. They think we don't see it but me and Jack do. Tesha doesn't but the two of us do." Olivia says, as she finally turns to the women.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart." Queenie says.
"It's cool. Adverage day for the Toretto crew, am I right?" Olivia says sarcastically, before putting her head phones on her head, and blasting her music into her ears, looking back out the window again.
Out of all the O'Conner siblings, Olivia was definitely the most sarcastic and cold one out of the three of them. Her being the most popular girl in her school probably didn't help. Her brother was quite popular as well. They both guessed being the children of two ex criminals who had been all over the news for years would do that.


"Hey, Tesh. Can I talk to you?" Brian asks, walking into the kitchen were his youngest daughter sat doing her homework.
"Of course, dad." Tesha says, putting her pen down.
"You're mother should probably be here for this but-" Brian starts.
"Where is Mama?" Tesha asks.
"She and Jack are most likely still with Little B. Looks like they will be there for a little while." Brian says, sitting down opposite his daughter.
"Why? Is everything okay?" Tesha asks.
"Okay, there's a lot to explain. If it gets to much just let me know and we can stop, okay?" Brian says, casing Tesha to nod.
"Okay." Tesha says.
"It started a little over fifteen years ago. As you know I use to be a cop. But Uncle Dom was involved in some criminal activities. He got caught and I let him go. Me and your om were together but broke up for five years, then me and uncle Dom worked together to bring down a bad guy, me and you mom got back together but uncle Dom was arrested. Me and mama broke him out and we all went on the run. We ended up in Rio and taking down a bad guy who had loads of money. That's how me and Mama don't have to work. Over the years me, Mama, Uncle Dom, and everyone has taken down loads of bad guys. We've gone a few years without having to do so, but now someone is after the whole family. Everyone that's helped us, everyone we're connected to." Brian explains.
"Is everyone okay?" Tesha asks.
"As far as I know they are. I just got off the phone with Olivia and she's okay. I'm going to try and call Jack and Mama now and find out what's going on down there end." Brian tells her.
"Is that why Rome's all over the news and so is Uncle Dom, Aunt Letty, Uncle Roman, Tej and Han and Aunt Ramsey's faces are all over the news as well?" Tesha asks.
"Don't know why you're watching to news... but yes. Rome was a trap set up by this person who's after us to frame them for the attack." Brian says.
"I hope everyone's okay." Tesha says.
"I'm sure they are sweetie. I'm going to call Jack and Mama. If you have any questions just let me know okay. I'll be happy to answer them." Brian tells her, standing up.
"Okay, dad." Tesha replies.
Brian kisses his daughters head as he walks past before walking into the living room.


Violet takes a deep breath as she get's closer to the person who was her supposed sister.
"Vivian Richards?" Violet asks, causing the brunette in front of her turns to look at her.
"Yes. And who may you be?" Vivian asks.
"I'm Violet Toretto. I think you might be my sister."

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