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Roman and Tej were sat in the Pontiac fiero that had a rocket engine strapped to it which Sean Boswell, Earl and Twinkie had shown them the other day

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Roman and Tej were sat in the Pontiac fiero that had a rocket engine strapped to it which Sean Boswell, Earl and Twinkie had shown them the other day.
"As damn." Tej says.
"What?" Roman asks.
"You see that?" Tej asks raising his hand. "We can't have an air leak, man."
Tej starts to put duct tape round this wrist where they was a gap in a scuba suits they were wearing.
"Are you really patching yourself up with duct tape?" Roman asks.
"Yes." Tej answers. "I don't know if you noticed or not but this whole operation is band aids and duct tape."
"Man, this is insane. We are heading to outer space." Roman says. "You're acting like we on our way to home depot. This is ridiculous man. I'm about to abort this whole mission and take my black ass home."
"We are literally going to be in a perpetual free fall." Tej tells him.
"Free fall?" Roman asks "What does that even mean?"
"Roman, it means numbers don't lie." Tej says hitting a notebook in his hand. "As long as we obey the laws of physics, then we will be fine ok? It's just all maths and science."
"I knew I should of listened to my teachers." Roman says.
"Four minutes to launch." Sean says from the plane that was carrying the car Roman and Tej were in to space. "You fellas good to go?"
"Yeah. We just up here putting a bunch of duct tape on shit. You know, thats what Tej do." Roman says looking at Tej.
"Man, please hurry up so I can stop hearing his damn mouth." Tej says. "Yes we're good to go."
"We're not good." Roman argues. "This is the same car that we watched do a test run and explode. This us not smart Tej."
"Don't worry, man." Earl tells them. "With my suramic palmer coding you're going to be just fine. You're 100% fireproof."
"Exactly." Tej says.
"All eight frusters fully functional." Sean says before looking over at Earl then looking at the tablet he was using. "Hey, please don't tell me, you're still running launch simulations."
"Version galactic launch at 36,00 feet. The space suttle test around 50,000 feet." Earl tell him. "Our last test run with this load measn we are going to have to go higher. Way higher! If we don't get them high enough, these guys are going to be pancakes at Ihop before the coffee even gets to the table."
"Hey we cans till hear you!" Tej tells them over the intercom.
"Don't worry, guys, we got this." Sean says before covering his microphone so Tej and Roman can't hear. "We do got this, right?"
Earl shurgs his shoulders before looking foreward.


Back on earth, the team were following after Jakobs convoy.
"I've run thermal imaging, Elle's in the armory truck." Ramsey says from her seat next to Letty while she was on the computer and Letty was driving. "And I got lock on the aries signal, its coming from the beast up ahead. We need to get in there to deactivate it by time Roman and Tej are in position."
"Ramsey, power us up." Dom tells her over the walkie talkie before Ramsey turns on the magnets.

"Satellite is in low orbit." Otto tells Jakob in the big truck.
"Begin." Jakob says looking at him.


Back in space, Roman, Tej, Sean and Earl we still going upwards.
"Alright, we're passing 50,000 feet." Earl says.
"Time to get ready boys." Sean says as him and Earl put on masks.
"What are we suppose to be doing with these old ass suits that ain't been used since world war one?" Roman asks
"Oh I'm sorry. Astronauts R us was closed for shopping today." Tej answers. "Listen these suits are just like space suits. They are both built for pressure differential. Only thing is we may blow up like balloons just a little bit. That's the only difference."
"What?" Roman asks.
"We just hit the launch altitude. You guys ready for a finale count?" Sean asks.
"No man!" Roman replies."I'm barley ready to go scuba diving in this old ass thing."
"Don't listen to him we ready." Tej replies.
"We?" Roman asks.
"Yes I said we. I thought you were invincible." Tej says. "Lets see who invincible your black ass is after this. Push it!"
"No! Tej!" Roman yells as Sean presses the button. The car Roman and Tej are in comes of the plane that Sean and Earl are in and falls backwards. "Oh my god! I don't wanna die!"
"Ignition!" Earl shouts pressing a button which starts the rocket engines on the car.
The car starts going up into the sky until they are in space.
"Oh, my god, oh my god." Roman says happily as him and Tej look at earth while they both laugh. "We're in outer space!"
"Told you numbers don't lie." Tej says shaking his head.
"This is crazy bro." Roman says.
The two side rockets come of the car before candy wrappers fly into the sky.
"Man how much candy did you eat?" Tej asks.
"I...I eat candy when I get nervous." Roman replies.


Back on earth the rest of the team are still chasing after Jakob. Jakob then spots their them on the cameras.
"Thought you said you toke care of this." Jakob says turning to look at Otto.
"Yeah." Otto says before tapping his ear. "Hey. You take them back to the freaking junkyard right now."
Some of the people that were with Jakob starts shooting at the team (Mainly Dom) as they weave in and out of traffic. Two vans drive up next to Dom as he activates the magnets in his car causing the two cars to be pulled towards him before he releases the magnets causing the two cars to go into some cars which were parked.

Letty weaves past on of the cars which had flipped over as the other one gets back behind Dom still shooting at him.

As Dom turns a corner people on the paverment start to run away before he starts to drive along the pavement with the car still following him. Dom turns on his magnent causing windows to break and stuff from the shops to go flying out hitting the car behind him. More stuff hits the car behind as Dom drives back onto the road causing the car to flip over.

Letty was being shot at as the car rammed into the back of her before pulling back. Letty turns on her magnent causing the car to come back to her and to break the back window as the car goes sup onto the back.
"All right, Han, Mia, Violet, you're up!" Letty says over the intercom.

Violet, Mia and Han drive up to the vehicle which Elle was in as someone climbs out of the roof as Han turns the car around.
"Now." Han tells Violet who was sitting next to him.
Violet turns on the magnet causing there car to connect with the other vehicle.

Ramsey looks out the window and sees a man getting out the car which was practically on top of theirs with a gun.
"Letty." Ramsey says causing Letty to look and see the guy.
Letty turns the magnent off sending the car flying back and the man to fly out of the car window and hit and ground.

Han and Violet get out of the car and climb up onto the other vehicle before Mia follows them. Once they were all on the vehicle they climb down into the opening with Han going first then Violet then Mia.

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