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Violet makes it back to the house and gets out and locks her car before she heads back inside and sees Brian sitting on the couch with Olivia sleeping in his arms and Jack and Nico playing on the floor in-front of him

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Violet makes it back to the house and gets out and locks her car before she heads back inside and sees Brian sitting on the couch with Olivia sleeping in his arms and Jack and Nico playing on the floor in-front of him. As he hears the door open he turns and sees Violet causing him to smile but that soon fades when he sees the freaked out expression on the face.
"Vi?" Brian asks gently placing Olivia down on the sofa and walking over to his wife placing his hands on her shoulders to comfort her. "Hey, what happened?"
"Where's Mia?" Violet asks.
"She's popped over to her house to get something." Brian tells her. "What happened, babe? You seem really freaked out.
Violet says nothing but breaks down in tears and hugs Brian tightly causing him to hug her back.
"I'm sorry." Violet says tears streaming down her face.
"Shh. It's ok." Brian whispers in her ear before kissing her forehand and laying his chin on her head while rubbing her back comfortingly.
"Mummy?" They hear Jack asks causing them to pull apart before Jack runs over and hugs Violet. "Why are you crying?"
"It's nothing buddy. Mummy is just tired. That's all." Violet says as Mia walks through the door.
"Oh Vi, when did you get back?" Mia asks as Violet let's go of a Jack who goes of and plays with Nico as Violet stands up and turns to look at her causing her sister to look at her worriedly seeing the tears in her eyes. "Vi? What happened?"
"I think it's best if we talk in the kitchen so the kids can't hear us." Violet says causing her husband and sister to nod.
"Ok." Brian says before turning to the boys. "Boys we are going into the kitchen. Keep the noise down and keep a eye on Olivia."
"Ok uncle Brian." Nico says before him and Jack continue playing and Brian, Violet and Mia go into the kitchen.
"So Vi. What happened?" Brian asks.
"You know I said I didn't need anyone when you guys mentioned Linder being on the loose?" Violet asks causing Brian and Mia to nod.
"Yeah." Mia says confused.
"Well that's because I already knew where he was going to be." Violet tells them.
"Where?" Brian asks.
"With me." Violet says causing Mia and Brian to exchange a look before looking back at Violet.
"What!" Mia says shocked.
"You met Linder without telling us?!" Brian asks raising his voice.
"Keep it down the kids are going to hear you." Violet says desperate for the kids not to hear what's going on and get worried.
"Are you crazy." Mia asks. "He could have killed you!"
"I asked him to and he didn't. I was going to sacrifice myself like I said I would. I offered but he said no." Violet says.
"Well thank god." Brian says. "You should have talked to us."
"You would have stopped me." Violet reminds them.
"Of course we would have." Mia replies.
"Exactly. I needed to do this." Violet tells them.
"No you didn't." Brian tells her.
"Yes I did." Violet replies.
Brian sighs before going over and getting his jacket which was on one of the dinning table chairs.
"Where are you going?" Mia asks.
"To find Linder and kill him." Brian answers putting his jacket on.
"Are you kidding you can't go alone." Violet tells him.
"Well you went alone." Brian fires back.
"Your going to get yourself killed." Violet argues.
"You one to speak." Brian says clearly annoyed.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Violet asks.
"You could have got yourself killed when you went to see him by yourself." Brian reminds her.
"Before this goes any further I'll take the kids upstairs." Mia says awkwardly before leaving the room.
"As you said I COULD have died. You WILL die. He didn't kill me because he wants to torture me more. He wants to kill someone I love and he knows you are only of the people I love the most. He will kill you in a heartbeat. Please just don't go. Or if you are going to go just don't go by yourself." Violet begs walking closer to her husband and placing her hands on his shoulders.
"I'm going. And I have to go by myself because their is no one else who can go. You and Mia need to be here for the kids." Brian says looking down briefly before looking back up.
"I know some people who can go with you but you will have to wait for them to get here." Violet tells him.
"I don't want to wait tho, Vi. After everything he has down to you. All the pain he caused you. I just want to kill him." Brian tells her.
"I will tie you to this chair until they get here if thats what it takes. You are going alone Brian. I can't lose you. Jack and Olivia can't lose their dad." Violet says pointing at a chair at the first part.
"Thats pretty much the same speech I gave you." Brian says with a small laugh. "Minus the tying you to a chair bit. I really should have done that."
Violet smiles and looks down while laughing before looking back up and looking Brian in the eyes.
"Promise me you will wait." Violet tells him.
"I promise." Brian says causing Violet to smile at him.
"Thank you. Now go upstairs with Mia and the children I will call those people." Violet tells him pushing him to the door.
Once Brian was standing in the living room Violet goes to close the door but Brian stops her by placing his hand on the door and pushing it open again causing Violet to look at him confused.
"Just one more thing." Brian says walking forward and taking Violet's face into his hands and connecting their lips.
Violet backs up until she hits the fridge causing some of the pictures on their to fall off. They continue kissing for a few moments before pulling apart while keeping their foreheads touching.
"Well that was unexpected." Violet says with a laugh causing Brian to laugh as well.
"I love you." Brian whispers.
"I love you to." Violet whispers back before they kiss again and pull away after 10 seconds. "Now go. I need to make those calls." Violet adds laughing while pushing Brian to the door.
"Ok, ok. I'm going." Brian says laughing.
As Brian steps into the living room he turns around and quickly kisses Violet again before running away and upstairs. Violet laughs and shakes her head before going over and picking up the stuff that had fallen of the fridge then making the calls.

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