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Violet slowly opens her eyes and looks around at her surroundings trying to figure out where she was

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Violet slowly opens her eyes and looks around at her surroundings trying to figure out where she was. But she couldn't. She looks down to see that her ankles had ropes tied around them keeping her bounded to a chair. She looks down at her arms to see that they were also tired to the chair.
"What the hell?" Violet says trying to get her arms free.
"I wouldn't try that if I was you." A voice says causing Violet to look at the corner of the room to see Linder.
"What have you done? What am I doing here?" Violet asks.
"I'm using you as bait for your husband and whoever his coming after me with him." Linder tells her. "You did say you wanted to sacrifice yourself right?"
"Yeah but that means you killing me not using me as bait." Violet says causing Linder to laugh.
"I may kill you. If he doesn't come in 24 hours I will kill you infront of him. He will have to watch his wife die a slow and painful death." Linder says causing Violet to move trying to get free. "What did I tell you. DON'T TRY THAT!"
"Just let me go." Violet says. "I will tell Brian to call off the plan just either let me go or kill me and let this all be over."
"Now what would be the fun in that?" Kenny asks walking over to her and pulling her phone out of his pocket and holding it out to her. "Call your husband and let him know what's going on."
"I can't exactly do that if my arms are tied to this chair." Violet snaps causing Kenny to laugh.
"Your right. I'll call him then." Kenny says before calling Brian and he picks up after on two rings.
"Violet?" Brian asks. "Where are you?"
Kenny gives Violet a signal for her to speak.
"Brian?" Violet says before she hears Brian sigh.
"Thank god you are ok. Where are you?" Brian asks.
"Oh O'Conner. She's not safe." Kenny says. "Oh by the way it's Kenny Linder talking."
"What have you done to my wife?! Let her go now!" Brian demands.
"How about no." Linder says. "Now. Find us in 24 hours or I will kill her infront of you."
"How am I suppose to find you if I don't know where you are?" Brian asks.
"Guess you'll have to figure that out for yourself." Kenny says.
"Oh come on Linder. Where the hell are you?" Brian asks.
"Bye O'Conner." Linder says before hanging up and throwing the phone to Violet. "Here you might as well have this. Don't need to worry about you contacting anyone as you can't exactly use it."
"Howling are you going to keep me here?" Violet asks as Linder makes his way over to the door.
Linder gets to the door and opens it before turning back to look at Violet.
"Until Brian finds you. And wether or not I kill you depends on how quickly he finds you." Linder tells her before walking out and closing the door and locking it.


Brian removed the phone from her ear before looking at Jason, Roman and Johnny who's good in front of him while Mia comes back into the room after putting the kids to bed.
"You guys were meant to leave hours ago. I know you don't want to go without saying goodbye to Violet but at this rate you guys are going to have to just go.". Mia tells Brian with a sigh. "I'll tell her to call you as soon as she gets home. Whenever that is. Where the hell is she anyway? Has she called any of you?"
"She called me." Brian says causing everyone to look at him. "Well Linder did using her phone."
"What are you talking about Brian?" Johnny asks.
"How would he have Violet's phone?" Roman asks.
"How the hell do you think?!" Brian snaps before sighing. "He has her. Linder has Violet."
"What." Mia asks tears starting to well up in her eyes. "Please tell me this is a joke."
"It's not." Brian says tears also coming to his eyes.
"No!" Mia shouts.
"Mia." Roman says trying to calm her down.
"No!" Mia shouts again.
"Mia." Jason says walking over to her making it to her just in time to catch her as her legs gave out and she collapsed to the floor in tears.
"No. No. No." Mia starts repeating. "It's can't be happening again."
"Mia what do you mean again?" Roman asks.
"Violet was taken by Owen Shaw when we were helping Hobbs take him down." Brian explains trying to keep a cool composure for Mia as he kneels down infront of her and pulls her out of Jason's arms and into his own. "We will find her Mia. She will be back."
"You don't know Linder!" Mia says. "He will kill her no matter what happens."
"We have 24 hours. We will find her in time." Brian tells her.
"I can't lose her, Brian." Mia says. "She's my little sister. She's literally one of the only things that have kept me alive through everything we have faced. If it wasn't for her I would be six feet under."
"She's everything to me to Mia." Brian says calmly. "She's my wife and I can't lose her either. I will make sure that she comes back I promise."
Mia nods before pulling away from Brian and wiping her tears. Jason who had already gotten up of the floor helps Mia up while Roman and Johnny help Brian up.
"I think we should all go get some sleep. We can leave tomorrow." Roman says as Jason was already leading Mia upstairs.
"Are you crazy! If we don't find Violet in 24 hours she will be dead. We can't take a break." Brian says raising his voice but it was still not loud enough for Mia to hear.
"Well she has her phone on her or they do or else they wouldn't of been able to call you." Johnny says.
"So?" Brian asks.
"We can just use that to find her location." Johnny says.
"Johns right. Let's just take a three hour nap then we can get up find Violet's location and go rescue how and kill Linder and his men once and for all." Roman suggest.
"Fine." Brian says before they all go upstairs with Roman, Johnny and Jason (who had caught them walking upstairs) going to the two spare bedrooms that were in the house.
Brian went into his and Violet stool and laid on the bed not being able to go to sleep. He got back up out of bed and opened the wardrobe and toke out box which had a bunch of photo albums. He looked through and found the couple he was looking for before closing the book and putting it back in the wardrobe. He went back over to the bed and looked through his and Violet wedding photo album and one that had a few random photos of them. He sighs before putting the albums on his bedside table and looking at the photo of him, Violet and the kids her had on there.
"Please be safe Violet." Brian says before slowly falling asleep.

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