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While Jakob, Jack and Little B were in the hideout, the camera's were activated

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While Jakob, Jack and Little B were in the hideout, the camera's were activated. The three of them rush over to see a bunch of cars coming towards them.
"We gotta go." Jakob tells the two boys.
He rushes over to the cannon car, taking the covers off before they all get in.
Jakob drives down the path before breaking out through the wooden wall. They drive through the desert until a load of cars stop infront of them. Jakob pulls on a lever causing a couple canons to lower down, before turning to Jack who was sat in the passanger seat.
"Ready?" Jakob asks.
"Ready," Jack replies.
Jack sets off the cannon, exploding a couple cars, disrtracting the others so they could pass.
"Holy sh-" Little B starts, cutting himself off as he looks at Jakob.
"No, no, you're good. Okay. Song lyrics, stubbed toes, and canon cars." Jakob says, reaching back and high fiving Little B, before turning and high fiving Jack.
The cars continue to follow them, Jack sets of two more cannons, before Jakob drives through a gate leading them onto the main road.


All the time that the boys had been driving through the desert, Violet was stood with Vivian, Dante and another man, watching from a platform.
"I got eyes on uncle muscle and the kids." Dante says, into the radio. "Alright everybody, remember the plan contain and kidnap. Thank you." The guy then points his gun at the car causing Dante to turn it off and look at him. "No. No guns. I need these little shits alive. At least for a while."
At the last part he looks at Violet with a smirk. He then signals for the two girls to follow him. Dante laughs as they walk down the steps heading to the three cars that were parked up.
"Here we go!" Dante says.
Dante gets into the red car, Violet into the blue one and Vivian into the black one. Dante was first to drive off, followed by Violet then Vivian.


Once out on the main road, Jakob  goes to set up the cannons again, but nothing happens.
"It's stuck. It's stuck." Jakob  says.
"Shit." Jack says, looking behind at the cars still following them.


Meanwhile, up in the sky, Dom and Aimes were in a plane.
"They got an army down there, Dom." Aimes tells him. "Your teams not far out."
"Bring us down." Dom says, walking towards his car.
"I can't put her down here." Aimes says. "There's a airfield seven cliffs west."
"Ok, then we'll meet you there. Now open the back." Dom says.
"Dom, there's really no where to land." Aimes says standing up.
"Who said anything about landing?"


While Violet, Vivian and Dante were driving along the small path beside the main road, Jakob was bumping into as many cars as he could.
"Look." Little B says, looking behind them.
Jack looks back to see an airplane flying low. Next thing they see is Dom driving out the back of it. He flies over them before landing behind them. as Dom crash lands into two cars, Jack and Little B look at each other laughing. As Dom pulls up beside them on Jack's side, Jack opens the window and Little B leans forward.
"Dad!" Little B shouts.
"Hey son. Hey J." Dom says into the radio.
"Hey uncle Dom." Jack replies into the radio, before handing it to Jakob.
"Good to see you big brother." Jakob says.
"Good to see you guys. Follow me to that plane." Dom tells them.
"We're right behind you." Jakob says, before they go through a bridge.
"Aimes' we're on our way." Dom says.
"Dom, I'll be touching down five cliffs west. But their still on your tail." Aimes tells them.
Jakob tries to get the cannons set up but it doesn't work.
"It's jammed." Jakob says.
As Jakob was trying to figure out what to do, Jack looks behind him to see Little B not there.
"B?" Jack asks. "What are you doing?"
Jack and Jakob then see Little B on the back by the cannons.
"Careful." Jakob tells him.


"Well, well, well. What do we have here." Dante says, as he drives under the bridge. He then grabs his radio. "Looks, like this is going to be a lot easier then we thought, ladies. The kid is on the back. I'm closing in."
Hearing this Violet looks over at Vivian with tears in her eyes, a couple running down her cheek. Vivian nods, knowing exactly what Violet was thinking. Violet then faces forward again just as the two girls also go under the bridge. And sure enough Violet saw little B, on the back of Jakob's car. Her breathing hitches in her throat as she sees Dante getting closer.

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