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"Thank God! Dom! Letty!""Turn off the ecripted radio

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"Thank God! Dom! Letty!"
"Turn off the ecripted radio." Tej tells Ramsey.
Ramsey then turns on the radio.
"Ramsey!" Dom says over the radio.
"We're being remote controlled there's a bomb onboard." Ramsey tells him.
"Found it. I can disarm it with an agency kill switch." Little Nobody says over the radio. "I just need physical hands on the device. We have to stop that truck."
"We gotta hurry. The truck is speeding up." Letty says.
"We gotta block it's path." Dom says.
"I'm gonna get ahead of it." Letty tells him.
"Ramsey, Tej strap in." Dom orders, before the pair do up their seatbelts.
Everytime Dom or Letty try to get ahead of the truck it sweves to the side crushing the cars on the side of the road.
"Dom, go ahead! I'm pinched." Letty says.
Dom then manages to get ahead. He presses a button causing a rope to attach to both sides of road onto the walls.
Letty jumps over a ramp on her bike to get over the rope as the truck filps over. That's when Letty notices the back doors had been remotely opened and she saw the bomb
"The trucks about to go over the edge." Letty warns.
"We have to crash into it." Han says.
"We have to what?" Roman asks.
Roman and Han crash into either side of the truck, driving along with it to slow it down. They manage to stop it in time but the bomb flies out the back.
"Dom, the bombs out!" Han says.
"What do you mean it's out?" Olivia asks over the radio.
"Everybody, stay clear I got this." Dom says.
"No, we got this." Letty says.
Dom and Letty drive down the road. Letty nearly gets crushed by the bomb but narrowly misses it. Letty was now driving in front off the bomb and Dom behind it.
Olivia was stood outside a resturant with her friend when all of a sudden a bomb flies past causing her and her friend to jump back. While her friend runs in to tell the group, Olivia watches as a car and motorbike follow the bomb.
"Was that you guys?" Olivia asks.
"Yeah it was." Letty replies.
"Get inside. Now!" Dom tells his niece.
Roman, Han, Tej and Ramsey had snuck into the tunnels below Rome. All of a sudden someone starts singing over the radio.
"Who the hell is that?" Roman asks.
"Hey! Roman Pearce. Team leader. Can't wait to see you get out of this one." The guy says, before laughing. "Oh Letty!"
Letty was watching as the bomb curhsed every single car in it's path, before looking over to see some guy on a motorcycle.
"I think I found our guy." Letty says. "I'm on him."
Letty follows the guy, while Dom follows the bomb. Dom was also behing followed by cops who were shooting at him. He then sees a gas pump. Realizing what was about to happen and see the cabin like thing opposite. He drives up taking the poles out causing the cover to fall down covering the people underneath from the explosion.
At the end of the street cops pull up starting to shot at him. Dom bumps into the bomb to slow it down. It was still on fire when Dom gets out of the way. the bomb crushes into a cop car, destorying the stone railing behind the car causing it to stop.


"Go! Go!"
"Search everywhere! We need them alive!" Violet hears a man shout, as they enter the house.
Violet throughs a frying pan at one of the guys. She starts fighting them before one of the guys grab her from behind.
"No! Violet!" Little B shouts.
"Let her go!" Jack shouts.
Violet continues to fight until one of them knock her on the head with his gun. She falls against the table, spotting her son and nephew at the door to the kitchen.
"Run!" Violet shouts.
Jack turns to Little B and pushes him away from the door before they run upstairs to the bathroom.
A guy still had ahold of Violet, when a guy gets thrown against a wall, Violet knowing who it was, smiles before biting the guy who was holding her then elbowing him in the face.
Jack and Little B run into the bathroom. Lilly B runs and hides in the corner and Jack locks the door before joining him. As they were sat there someone tries opening the door. Jack covers his cousin with his arm before the person burst in. Jack let's out a relieved sigh when he sees who it is. Little B confused on why nothing was happing looks up.
"S'up?" Jakob says.
"Uncle Jakob?" Little B asks.
"Your dads sent me." Jakob says, before people starting shooting. "Change of plans."
While Violet was fighting downstairs, Jakob was fighting downstairs. Violet gets all the guys she as fighting out, just before Jakob throughs a guy through the roof. She looks up at him through the hole.
"Do you have Jack and Little B?" Violet asks.
"Jack! B!" Jakob shouts.
All of a sudden a guy bursts through the door pointing a gun at Violet who had tried closing the door on him. He tired grabbing her, but Jakob had jumped down through the hole and grabbed him before throwing him out the window.
"Are you okay?" Jakob replies, getting a nod back from Violet who was trying to catch her breath.
A guy then hits Jakob round the head I'm with a gun. Violet grabs a plant pot smashing it on the guys head before her and Jakob get either side of him, throwing him out the window.
"Are you okay?" Violet asks, seeing Jakob wincing as he grabs his cheek, where the gun hit.
Jakob nods back.
"Mom!" Violet and Jakob turn to see Jack and Little B.
"Jack! B!" Violet says.
She rushes over grabbing both their hands, dragging them out of the house as Jakob follows them.

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