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"Seriously! Where could they be?" Brian asks as he was pacing around infront of Samuel

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"Seriously! Where could they be?" Brian asks as he was pacing around infront of Samuel.
"I'm trying to track their phone loactions but I can't find anything. They must have turned them off." Samuel says, typing away on the computer.
"Great." Brian says. "How long do you think it's going to take to find them?"
"Without their phone locations it could take any amount of time. A couple hours, days, weeks." Samuel says. "They may return soon, but I'll keep looking until we can find them."
"I'm going to go and try to call Violet again. See if I can get ahold of her finally." Brian says, pulling his phone out of his back jean pocket, as he walks to the door.
"Good luck. I'll carry on trying to see if I can find them." Samuel says, as Brian exits the room.
Brian looks back sending him a small smile before closing the door behind him.


Isabel had blacked out after the accident. Dom had taken her back to her house and waited for her to wake up. Once she had woken up they talked about Elena, had how the Reyes family killed Elena's husband. Isabel still had some of the files Elena had on the Reyes family. While looking through the files they found something about the police Station in Rio, which had been abandond.

That lead Dom to the position he was in now. He walks the abandond police station, and walks into a room to find a bunch of TV screens. He pulls on something hanging from the ceiling, and the screens light up the photos of the team and everyone who have helped them in the past. A bunch of overlays of the team talking also come on. Dom looks around at the screens until a phone rings. Dom looks behind him to see a phone on the table. He walks over and picks it up placing the phone to his ear. Knowing exactly who it was on the other end.
"How do you like my place? I'm bummed I'm not there to show you around. And a little embarrased you saw my vision board. At least you know how hard I've been working to get us to this point." Dante says.
"Now I know your a dead man." Dom replies.
"Ressurected. Thanks to you." Dante says. You know if you never would have gotten out of that will. I never would have been the man I am today. You built such a beautiful life. Full with love and family. I never got that chance. Coladaral damage, chaos dad. This is your legacy. I'm your legacy."
"You know what I can't figure out?" Dom asks. "How someone born, so rich, chooses the poorest path in life. You got no honour. And with no honour, you got no family. And with no family... you got nothing."
"I got nothing because of you." Dante says, as a picture of Reyes dead body comes onto all of the screens. "My future, my family... you stole that from me. And now, I'm going to break yours. Piece by piece."
"Stop talking and face me." Dom tells him.
"You like surprises, Dommy? I adore them. Because I've got a good one prepared for you." Dante says, with a short laugh. "The games not over yet. There's still so many people to hurt."
"I'm coming for you." Dom says.
"That's going to be hard to do in handcuffs." Dante says. "Goodbye, Dommy. No, you hang up first. Bye."
The line goes dead, and Dom throws the phone at the wires causing all the screens to turn off, just as the agency rush in.
"Toretto, freeze." Aimes, the new 'boss' of the agency, says, pointing a gun at Dom as agency surround him also all holding guns. "Time to face the music, Dom."
"You're playing right into his hands, cop." Dom replies, turning around to look at Aimes.
One of the agency man nudge Dom forward. Dom follows Aimes out and sits in the cop van.


"I can't believe we're in Rio." Vivian says, looking out the hotel room window.
"It's cool, I guess." Violet says.
"Does Brian know we're here?" Vivian asks, turning to her sister.
"I don't see why he needs to know." Violet replies, causing Vivian to sigh as she walks over and sits down on the seat that Violet was sat on the arm of.
"Are things really over between you?" Vivian asks.
Violet shurgs her shoulders before looking down.
"I'm not sure." Violet admits. "I mean, things with him feel pretty over, not sure why. We were so happy, it's like everything changed within a matter of seconds."
"That sometimes happens, Vi. The only thing you can do is move on." Vivian says.
Violet nods before her phone goes off.
"It's Dante." Violet says, looking at the caller ID before answer. "Yes?"
"It's time. Come to the bridge."

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