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Violet didn't get anytime to confront her brothers and sister about the accusation, because as soon as she walked into the house, she was dragged back out by Jakob

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Violet didn't get anytime to confront her brothers and sister about the accusation, because as soon as she walked into the house, she was dragged back out by Jakob. When they got to the car Jakob had told her they were going to see Buddy, who was an old family friend, that the two had stayed with for a year after they left. Even though Violet was excited to see the person who had grown to be like a second father figure to her when she was growing up, after not seeing him for years, she was a bit disappointed she wasn't able to ask about if the accusation was true.

The two siblings pull up outside of the race track that their father use to race at, the same one he died at. They walk up to the garage their father owned.
"Wow, I'm getting a serious case of deja vu." Violet says, causing Buddy to snap his head to snap towards them.
"We'll if it isn't Violet and Jakob Toretto." Buddy says, with a smile.
"Hi Buddy." Jakob says, as him and her sister walk over.
"Hi guys, it's great to see you." Buddy says, giving the pair a hug.
"It's great to see you to, Buddy." Violet says, as they pull apart from the hug.
"How are things?" Jakob asks.
"Things are good. Nothing much has changed. What about you guys? How are things for you?" Buddy asks.
"Well, you've probably seen what's been going on over the past few years with us on the news." Violet says.
"Yep, I definitely have." Buddy says. "Some quite unique adventures you guys have been on the past few years."
"You can blame Dom for that." Jakob says, causing Violet to hit his arm. "Ow!"
"Still the same people you were years ago." Buddy says laughing.
"What do you mean?" Violet asks.
"Jakob use to say stupid stuff all the time and you use to hit him all the time." Buddy says.
"Yeah, I remember that. It hurt like hell." Jakob says. "Every single goddamn time."
"I was eight." Violet says, before looking directly at Buddy. "Was he really that much of a baby?"
"You were a strong child, Vi. You would hit me and it would hurt me like hell." Buddy says, causing Violet to laugh.
"Then you were both babies." Violet says.
The brunettes phone then goes off and she looks to see that Olivia was calling her.
"Who is it?" Buddy asks.
"It's my daughter Olivia." Violet says.
"Daughter?" Buddy asks.
"Yeah, I have two daughters and a son." Violet says.
"Since when?" Buddy asks.
"Nearly ten years ago." Violet says.
"Probably calling to beg you to come and save her from Tej and Roman." Jakob says, causing Violet to slight laugh.
"Yeah, probably." Violet says. "I'll be right back."
Violet then steps just outside the garage to take the phone call.

After a few minutes Violet walks back into the garage.
"So she didn't just call about saving her from those two idiots." Violet says.
"What did she call about?" Jakob asks.
"The group is heading to the park." Violet tells him.
"What did she say after that?" Buddy questions.
"Then she begged me to come and save her from two of her idiotic uncles." Violet says.
"What do you mean 'two of'?" Jakob asks.
"Your all idiotic just Roman and Tej are the worse." Violet says, causing Jakob to jokingly gasp and place a hand on his chest fake offended.
"That hurts." Jakob says jokingly.
Violet laughs before turning to Buddy.
"Buddy, you should come with us." Violet says.
"Thanks for the offer, but I've got lots of work to do. The owner of this car wants it fixed by tomorrow." Buddy says, hitting the hood of the car beside him.
"We can help if you want. Get it done quicker." Jakob says.
"No, no. It's okay. You guys go on and spend sometime with your family. It was nice seeing you." Buddy says.
"Nice seeing you to, Buddy." Violet says, giving him a hug.
Jakob and Buddy bro hug before the two siblings leave.


When Violet and Jakob got to the park, they saw only Dom. They walked over and Dom told them everyone else had gone to get ice cream. Jakob decided to go join them, so it left just Violet and Dom.
"So, how was seeing Buddy?" Dom asked, as they were stood waiting for the group to get back.
"It was good. Nice seeing him again." Violet answers. "Can I ask you something?"
"Of course you can. You can ask me anything." Dom says.
"I know this sounds crazy. But I got a message from a blocked number. I don't know who sent it, but he signed the message off with 'D.R'. He claimed that you and the others were hiding something from me. Is that true?" Violet asks.
Violet notices that Dom turns pale at the comment.
"Why would you think that?" Dom asks. "What could we possibly hide from you?"
"I don't know. But they didn't even tell me, Mia and Brian that you went rogue a few years ago until we called them." Violet points out. "And you just turned insanely pale, so clearly your hiding something."
"Violet, I'm not hiding anything. Now can you just drop it?" Dom asks walking past her.
"I'm not going to just drop it, Dom." Violet says, turning to look at him. "Whatever it is I deserve to know. I'm just as much as part of the team as everyone else."
"It's not about the team." Dom tells her
"So it's about our family. Which means I only deserve to know more." Violet says.
"I've told you it's nothing now drop it." Dom snaps.
Violet goes to respond but the team comes back.

While talking to Tej and Ramsey, Violet looks over to see Brian, Dom, Jakob, Mia and Letty talking. They all seemed nervous. She spotted out of the corner of her eye them glancing at her every so often. They were definitely hiding something. Only question is... what was it?

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