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"Little Nobody

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"Little Nobody. Your up."
Little Nobody heads towards where Dom was as the guy that was attacking them and Letty follow him.
"Moving to disar-" Little Nobody starts, but cuts himself off as the guy drives past.
"Peekaboo." The guy says, before driving ahead.
Letty drives up banging on the window.
"Get out of there! It's gonna blow!" Letty shouts.
Little Nobody opens the door, he jumps out just in time, but the car rolls down the street on fire until it hits the bomb which was also still on fire. The bomb starts moving again causing dom to drive backwards down a flight of stairs to follow it. He turns round half way down the stairs before chasing the bomb, trying to not hit the people running away as well as knocking the bomb away from them. Luckily it wasn't still on fire as it went through a fountain.


"We need to jam the dedinator now." Ramsey says, as her, Tej, Roman and Han were walking through the tunnels underneath Rome.
"I got it. I got it. Letty don't lose him." Tej says. "I can lock onto your location and transfer cellular interference through your phone. That should jam the dedinator and buy us some time."


Letty was following the guy, while Dom was following the bomb and cops were following him.
"It's getting tricky guys! I can't stay on him for much longer." Letty says.
"Ramsey, how deep is that river?" Dom asks.
"The tiver? It's 60 feet." Ramsey says.. "I mean, the water could smother the explosion. Reduce its power by ten times maybe."
As Letty was follow the guy her path gets cut off by cops swerving infront of her. Her bike slides on the floor, she stands up looking behind her to see cops there as well. She looks forward again to see the guy getting away.
"Damn it." Letty mutters. "I lost him. He's gone."
"Damn, he's our of our reach. Can't jam the signal anymore."
Cops get up beside Dom crashing into him.
"Dom, he's armed the mob bomb and your almost up to the river." Ramsey tells him.
Dom gets onto the bridge and gets infront of the bomb, numbing into it to slow it down.
"15 seconds, Dom." The guy says through the radio.
"Dom, listen to me." Roman says over the radio. "Vaticans within the blast radius. Get out of there, you've done everything you could."
"Not everything." Dom says.
Dom drives off the bridge knocking the crane. The crane spins around knocking the bomb off the bridge as Dom hits a wall.
"Three. Two. One." Roman counts down.
The bomb lands in the water right before the explosion.
Dom drives off, cop cars following him. The blast from the bomb causing the cop cars to flip, Dom's car lifts up but he uses al his strength to stop it from flipping.

"What was that?" One of Olivia's classmates ask, after the ground had stopped shaking.
Olivia rushes outside her class following her. As she does she sees Letty being arrested.
"Letty!" Olivia shouts.
Letty looks over at her giving her a solemn look as she gets dragged to the cop car.
"Isn't that your auntie?" Olivia's friend asks.
Olivia doesn't answer. She just watches as Letty gets put into the cop car. The only thing Olivia know now was she needed to find Dom.


Violet looks through the gate to make sure there was no more guys coming as Jack looks at his uncle.
"Who the hell were those guys?" Jack asks.
"Agency. Rome was a trap." Jakob says. "The whole families being targeted."
"Olivia." Violet says under her breath.
"We got to get to dad and Tesha." Jack says.
Violet nods in agreement before grabbing Little AB's hand.
"Dom said for me to take him." Jakob tells her. "You know that place we said we would go if it all went to hell. Dom wants the team to meet there."
"Yeah." Violet says, before turning to Little B. "Okay. Little B, your gonna go with uncle Jakob. You do whatever he says, okay?"
"I'm going to get you to your dad." Jakob tells him. "If that's okay with you."
"Jack you go with them to, okay?" Violet says, causing her son to nod before she turns to Jakob. "Protect them with your life."
"I will." Jakob replies.
Violet sighs. She was still mad and hurt by Dom, Jakob, Mia and Brian. But she still loved them and knew this wasn't the time to hold a grudge.
"Love you, Jake." Violet says, hugging him.
"Love you to sis." Jakob replies hugging her back.
The boys run through to the back path while Violet gets into her car which was parked in the driveway. When the boys get to the back, Little B and Jack gasp and start laughing as they see the Dodge Ram.
"Oh my god." Little B says before the two boys run over trying to open the doors.
"Yo! It's not that one." Jakob calls over to them. "It's this one."
That's when the boys see their uncle stood beside a blue mustang.
"Seriously?" Jack asks.
"Wait but...?" Little B says.
Jakob looks at them before grunting annoyed and signalling for them to get in.

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