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"How far are we?" Olivia asks

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"How far are we?" Olivia asks.
She had just got off the phone with her dad who had told her that her mom had gone rouge. All the teenager wanted to do was see her mom and maybe convince her not to go through with whatever she was planning.
"Not far. Don't worry. You're mom's not stupid. This is probably all just part of one big plan." Han tries to reassure the teenager.
"I hope so." Olivia says, before walking away from her uncles and auntie.
Olivia sits down at the other side of the plane, placing the headphones, which had been resting around her neck since Queenie had dropped her off with the group, over her head, pressing play on her music. She sits with her legs up in front of her, arms wrapped around them as she looks out of the small window.


"Uncle Jakob! Jack! I fixed it!" Little Brian shouts, after getting the cannons unjammed.
Jakob breifly looks back before looking forward again. The sound of Little B screaming causes Jakob and Jack to look to see Little Brian being pulled into Dante's car.
"B!" Jack shouts.
Jack swings the door open before climbing onto the roof of the car.
"Jack!" Jakob shouts.
"Come on, J. Don't be stupid." Violet whispers to herself, seeing her son on the roof.
Next thing anyone of them knew Jack jumped across to Dante's car.
Unknown to Jack Dante had rolled the backseat windows down. So when Jack passed the window to get B out, Dante pulled him in as well.
"Couldn't stay out of it could you?" Dante asks, looking back at Jack with a smirk.
Before driving past Jakob and waving. Dante then hits his NOS.
Violet then grabs a second radio from the glove comparment connecting it to Dom and Jakob's.
"Dom, I lost them. Dante has Little B and Jack." Jakob tells Dom, causing Violet's breath to hitch in her front once again.
Vivian seeing the look in her sister's eyes turns her radio to a private channel.
"Don't do anything stupid, sis." Vivian warns.
Violet looks at Vivian before turning forward again, just as Dante knocks Dom onto the other side of the road.
"Hey Dominic! Welcome to big showdown. It's the last lap. Check out my co- pilot." Dante says, over the radio so Dom could hear.
"Dad!" Little B shouts.
"Uncle Dom!" Jack shouts.
Hearing the fright in her son and nepthews voices, Violet speeds up.
"Come on, Vi. Don't do anything stupid." Vivian tells her again, also speeding up.
"Who could have seen this coming?" Dante asks, into the radio, before turning it off and turning to the boys. "You know, expect for me."
As Jakob was driving behind Dante, he realises his fuel line had been shot. He drives up beside Dom, before grabbing his radio.
"Shit, looks like my fuel lines been shot." Jakob says. "I can't get to him, Dom."
"Jakob, stay with me." Dom tells him.
"I'm out of this race. It has to be you." Jakob says.
"Hey, Dom got a little surprise for you." Dante says, before Jakob sees cars with guns pointed at Dom on the other side of the road.
He sets up the cannons before grabbing his radio again.
"You rasied a hell of a son, Dom. Time for me to step out of your shadow. Thanks for showing me the light." Jakob says.
"Jakob." Dom says, in a warning tone.
"I'm going to go clear the way. Go get your son." Jakob says.
"Jakob, don't!" Dom shouts.
Little did Dom and Jakob know, not only was their sister there but their sister had also spotted the cars.
"Not so fast, big brother." Violet tells Jakob.
"Vi?" Jakob asks.
"What you doing, violet? This isn't part of the plan." Dante says.
"Plan? What plan? Jakob asks.
"Violet, don't." Vivian warns her.
"It's time for me to do the right thing for once. Time for me to stop living in fear." Violet says.
"What are you talking about, Vi?" Dom asks.
"I've always been the backup in this team. It's time for me to be more." Violet says, pulling up beside Jakob.
Jack leans forward snatching the radio off of Dante.
"Mom, please don't." Jack begs.
"I'm sorry, baby. But I have to." Violet says. Violet looks between her two brothers, Vivian, son and nepthew, who were both looking back at her from Dante's car. She sighs and closes her eyes. "I love you all."
Before anyone could protest anymore, Violet drives in front of Jakob, hitting the railing causing her car to flip.
"Mom!" Jack shouts.
"Auntie Violet!" Little B shouts, at the same time.
"No!" Jakob and Dom shout.
Vivian just watches not daring the say a word.
As Violet flips in the air, so grabs hold of the cross necklace that had a perment residence around her neck. Her car then lands upisde down on the road sliding until it hits the others, the impact causing all the cars to explode.
Dom drives through the fire, tears instantly coming to his eyes. On the other side of the flames, his eyes connect with Jakob who couldn't hold the tears back.
"Looks like it'sjust you and me, Viv." Dante says over the radio.
"No. It's just you." Vivian replies, before making a quick turn.
Jakob and Dom both breifly look back seeing a car driving towards where Violet Toretto had sacrificed herself.

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