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Violet had called Samuel asking him to meet her at a local park

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Violet had called Samuel asking him to meet her at a local park. She was sat on a bench waiting for him as the truth she had just learnt played over and over in her head. The childhood memories she had, she would never be able to see the same again. And that broke her. She knew that her relationship with Dom, Mia and Jakob would never be the same. She may of been over-reacting but she just felt betrayed. This fact her husband knew and didn't even tell her, only hurt her more. It's like the life she had been building for herself for years, had all come falling down in seconds. She honestly had no idea what she was was going to do now.

While Violet was sat on the bench staring into space, letting her thoughts consume her, she feels a hand on her shoulder. She snaps her head to look at the person to see Samuel.
"Oh, uh... hey Sam." Violet says awkwardly, glancing down to the floor.
"Hey Vi." Samuel says, sitting down next to her. "What's up? When you called you seemed really upset."
"We'll, Uhm... I just found out I'm adopted." Violet says. "Dom, Jakob and Mia aren't actually my siblings."
"Oh, Vi. I'm so sorry." Samuel says.
"You want to know what hurt the most?" Violet asks, looking down before looking at Samuel with tears in her eyes. "Brian knew and didn't even tell me. Dom, Jakob and Mia I kind of get because they didn't want to ruin what we have I get. But my own husband not telling me something like this. It hurts like hell."
"Maybe he didn't know you weren't aware of the fact." Samuel suggests.
"Believe me, he didn't know. Something like that is something you would tell your husband. Plus, he admitted to Dom asking him not to tell me andit wasn't his place to." Violet says.
"Vi, I am so sorry. I can't even begin to imagine how you're feeling right now." Samuel says.
"I don't even know what I'm going to do now. How am I suppose to face any of them after this?" Violet asks.
"I don't know. But I know one thing. You're Violet Toretto, the bravest person I have ever met. And when you do go back to them, you will go back with your head held high." Samuel says, causing Violet to smile a little.
"Thnaks, Sam.That's really made me feel better." Violet says.
"I'm glad." Samuel says, before wrapping an arm around Violet's shoulders.
Violet lays her head on his shoulder. If she had to pick anyone to confide in about this it would be Samuel. He is the only one who had been activitly by her side since they had met when they were teenagers.
"Thank you, Sam. Not just for this but for everything. You've helped me through a lot over the years we have known each other." Violet says.
"I could say the same to you." Samuel says, looking down at her briefly, before looking ahead again. "I got an idea. Why don't we go back to mine and practice our lines for the show and then I can take you back home after."
"Sam, I live like an hour away." Violet says.
"I know. And I don't mind." Samuel says.
"Thank you, Samuel. I do not think I can handle an hour in a car with Brian at the moment." Violet admits.
"I got you." Samuel says, as he stands up before pulling Violet to her feet.
Samuel swings his arm over Violet's shoulder before they walk to his car.

Violet had messaged Brian letting him know what she was doing, so when she walked into the house to find Brian sat on the sofa worried mess, after Smauel had dropped her off, she was slightly confused.
"Where are the kids?" Violet asks, putting her keys into the bowl by the door.
"Upstairs, I think they're all in Olivia's room watching a film." Brian answers, not even looking at his wife.
"Dont get why you're so angry with me, I'm not the one who's kept a big secret from you."  Violet says.
"You think I wanted to keep it secret?" Brian asks.
"I don't know, did you?" Violet questions.
"Of course not." Brian says.
"Really? How long have you known?" Violet asks.
"A couple months. I found out when I was helping Dom go through loads of paperwork. I saw the adoption papers." Brian explains.
"Did the papers have my birth parents names on them?" Violet asks.
"No, that part was left blank." Brian says.
"Great." Violet says, with a slight scoff. "Well. I'm going to go upstairs and make sure Liv is all packed for her school trip tomorrow."
Without waiting for a reply from her husband, Violet walks upstairs to her daughters room.


The next morning, Violet and Brian were dropping Olivia offat the airport for her school trip, they went through the plan, due to the fact the teams mission were in Rome, where the school trip was. After dropping Olivia off the couple goes back to the house, Biran spending the day in the garage and Violet sepdning the day watching films.

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