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Dom, Roman and Tej were driving round the streets of Edinburgh trying to find Jakob while Ramsey was sat at a cafe doing to work that they needed from the computer

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Dom, Roman and Tej were driving round the streets of Edinburgh trying to find Jakob while Ramsey was sat at a cafe doing to work that they needed from the computer.
"Ramsey talk to me what have we got?" Dom asks over the walkie talkie.
"I caught Jakobs biometric signature off the gun, and the algorithm I've run says that Jakobs' team is right on top of us. Anyway between 80 and 100 meters." Ramsey tells them.
"80 meters?" Tej asks while he sits in the passanger sit while Roman drives. "Thats a lot around here. this whole area seems pretty packed in."
"So we don't know where the secret morgue facility Jakob is looking to hit is." Roman says in a fake British accent before going back to his normal voice. "Now do we?"
"Wouldn't be a secret if we did." Ramsey replies as Roman and Tej drive past her.
"You know what?" Roman says "I'm starting to think you little English accent makes you sound smarter then you are."
Roman pulls the car up infront of a cathedral.
"Man can I point out that a good old- fasioned tracking chip would've put us like 6 feet within this dude. But, nah instead we out here with biometrics and facial recognition imaging. Feels like we are looking for where waldo in Harry Potter world." Tej says.
"Yeah uh, strong argument there Tej, but tracking chips follow the chip. Before we know it we will be chasing some expensive yet tacky jacket to the dry cleaners." Ramsey replies. "Biometrics on the other hand are impossible to..." Before Ramsey could finish her sentence the computer starts glitching. "Wait. Guys, ok, we have a problem. Cameras are going down all around us. And my equipment is freaking out."
"Damn." Tej says looking around before turning to Roman. "Can you see anything suspicious?"
"Uh, where do I start? First of all. All of this looks a little spooky. I even seeing these two ladies walking with George Washington wigs on their head from the 1700s. I feel like I'm in Transylvania or some damn where." Roman answers looking around.

Meanwhile Jakob had broken into a vault and stole the second piece to Aries.

"Ramsey we're looking everywhere." Roman tells her. "I just grew a new bunion. This is hopeless."
Roman all of a sudden stops Tej from walking causing him to look at him confused.
"What?" Tej asks.
"You see that?" Roman asks looking ahead at some delivery drivers they had been following.
"See what?" Tej asks looking where Roman was.
"The ears. They got cauliflower ears." Roman says looking at Tej. "They fight for a living."
Roman puts his hand on Tej's shoulder and walks past him towards the delivery drivers.
"Roman." Tej whispers going after him.
"Hey man. I ordered a pair of crocs 3 weeks ago and I am still waiting!" Roman says before punching one of the guys in the face. Roman and Tej fight the girls for a couple of seconds until they are both knocked out. "Where are my shoes, man?"
"Man we really need to work on your planning." Tej tells him before speaking into the ear piece he had. "Hey Dom, you should get don to the cathedral. Dumbass here just attacked some delivery dudes because they didn't like their ears."
As Tej finishes speaking his chain comes off and sticks to the side of the delivery van.
"Wait, wait, wait?" Roman says point to the chain. "How much you say you paid for that again? You know silver ain't magnetic, right?"
"You know what. Just shut up, Just shut up." Tej tells him. "Ramsey. Say We had a big electro magnet turned up right around here wouldn't that disturb all electric signals?"
"Including security systems. Thats it." Ramsey replies. "Thats how Jakob is getting into the vault."
"Guys?" Ramsey says as Tej and roman open the van to see people point guns at them then two more people point guns at their heads from the side. "Guys?" Then Ramsey hears sirens "Ok we got police coming from all side the area is locking down."
"He ain't using roads." Dom tells them while he was still driving around trying to find his brother. Dom got out of his car and looked up before seeing Jakob zip wire across a building to another before getting back into his car. "I got eyes on Jakob." Dom then droves off after Jakob.
Ramsey looks up and sees Otto coming out of the Cathedral.
"I see Otto." Ramsey tells them. "I'm gonna tail him." Ramsey follows Otto while Dom was stil tailing Jakob. "He's heading towards a blue Jaguar."
"Ok, follow him." Dom tells her.
"Me? I can't." Ramsey replies.
"Why not?" Dom asks.
"Ok now may be a bad time to tell you this, but I don't drive." Ramsey says walking towards the van that Roman and Tej were in, in the back. "Ok, I never got my license, I don't know how to drive. You know, no one really drives in London. And that is not my contribution to this group."
"Its you or no one." Dom reminds her causing her to sigh.
Ramsey looks at the wheel as Otto starts his car.
"Shit." Ramsey whispers before climbing in before climbing in.
Tej and Roman see Ramsey climbing in and give eachother a confused look.
As Ramsey sits down and puts the seatbelt on she tries to start the car but instead turns on the magnets in the back where Roman and Tej were. Roman and Tej start fighting the guys and Tej gets his head held towards the magnets.
"Ramsey shut it off!" Tej shouts. "Shut it off!" Ramsey turns the magnets off and Tej hits the guy that was hold his head in place against the magnets knocking him out. "Go, go, go!"
Ramsey struggles to start the car but after  a couple of moments she figures it out and follows Otto who had started to drive away. meanwhile Dom was still following Jakob.
"Oh sorry!" Ramsey says as she takes a car door off.
Dom pulls up outside a building before running inside and going to the top.
"Move!" Ramsey yells as a car pulls out causing her to hit it. "Hey, that was not my fault!" Ramsey spots Otto on the other side and switches side in doing so she hits a car into the road blocking of cars. "Ok, that on was my fault."
Dom makes it to the roof and sees Jakob zip wiring to another building and runs after him.
"See?" Roman says to Tej once they finished fight the guys. "What did I tell you, not even a scratch."
Tej looks at him annoyed as he recalled a conversation they had the other day about them being invinciable.
"Shut up, man." Tej tells him.

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