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It was the day that Brian, Jason, Johnny and Roman were going off to fight Linder

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It was the day that Brian, Jason, Johnny and Roman were going off to fight Linder. They weren't going till the afternoon so Violet and Brian decided they were just going to spend some time just them, Jack and Olivia. They had been watching movies and playing all morning and it was 3 hours before Brian was going to have to leave.
"Are you nervous?" Violet asks while her and Brian were cuddled up on the sofa and Olivia was upstairs having a nap and Jack was playing with some toy cars on the floor in front of them.
"Not really. I mean, we've done this multiple times. I just hope that once we take Linder down we can leave this life behind of good and never look back." Brian tells her.
"Same." Violet replies before Brian kisses her forehead. "I was thinking. When Olivia wakes up I was going to go for a walk around the park again. It will give you some time alone with the kids before you have to go."
"Are you sure you want to be out by yourself after what happened yesterday?" Brian asks.
Violet had told him about running into Linder yesterday so ever since then Brian had been on high alert.
"I'm sure." Violet says with a small smile.
"Where is daddy going?" Jack asks.
"What do you mean buddy?" Brian asks.
"You were talking about you leaving?" Jack asks.
"Sorry bud we didn't know you were listening. But daddy just has to go somewhere for a few days but he will be back as soon as possible. Besides we still got a few hours. Haven't we babe?" Violet says as Jack stands up and walks over to them.
"Yes we have." Brian answers as he lifts Jack onto his lap as Olivia starts to cry.
"I'll go get her." Violet says before standing up and going to get Olivia.

Violet was out for a walk round the park letting Brian have some time alone with the kids before he went of to take down Linder. Violet had her hands in her pocket of the jacket which she had thrown in before she left. She had one earphone in listening to music quietly so she could still hear her surroundings. She was at the same park as she was yesterday. She had made it to the part of the park where she head the twig snap yesterday and heard it again today. She turned around while still walking but she didn't see anyone so faced foreword again. But as soon as she was out of the park and sight of others she felt a cloth go over her mouth and her vision starts to go blurry while her body goes limp. She tries to fight it and yell for help but the cloth was still covering her mouth. Eventually she lets the darkness over take her.


It had been a couple hours and Violet still was not home. Brian was starting to get worried as she said she would be home a hour ago. The rest of the group were now here and getting ready to go.
"Where the hell could she be?" Brian asks pacing the kitchen worrying about Violet.
"I don't know. But I'm sure she's ok." Mia reassures him. "She's Violet, she probably ran into someone with a cute little dog and has been talking to them ever since."
"That doesn't explain why she isn't answering any of our calls." Brian says. "It's not like her she already answers her phone no matter what."
"Bro, she probably absolutely fine. She will be back in a bit." Roman says.
"I hope your right." Brian says quietly as the all sit down at the table in the kitchen.
The only thing that's as going through all there minds think they were scared to admit it it eachother was...

'Where the hell is Violet Torreto'

Just caught up to me- Fast and FuriousМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя