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Violet had just finished getting changed and walks out to where the rest of the team are

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Violet had just finished getting changed and walks out to where the rest of the team are. She sees Mia sitting with the group while Dom was off to the side. She rolls her eyes a little at the sight of her two siblings before walking over to Roman and helping him carry a few beers over to the team.
"I'm just still trying to figure out... how are you still alive?" Roman asks Han hands him a beer before going to sit down on a chair next to Tej while Violet sits next to Letty and hands her a beer and lightly places her head on Letty's shoulder tired from the long day she had but lifted it a few moments later when Han started talking. Durning all of this Mia watched Violet feeling a bit jealous when she laid her head on Letty's shoulder. All she could think about was if there was anyway she could make it up to her sister.
"Well after Gisele died." Han says sitting foreward slightly. "I didn't know what to do. I was aimless. Lost."
"Absolutely but can you get to the part where and car exploded and your still alive?" Roman asks. "Like I'm trying to..."
"Roman, can you just be quite for one minute?" Tej asks interrupting him.
"We made plans." Han tells them. "We had dreams. You know its funny. Gisele led me there. And I wasn't even looking for it. But it became home. Then one day mr Nobody came calling. All I knew was I had to steal some tech from a scientist couple. But as usual. Mr Nobody didn't tell me everything." Han then looks at Elle. "In fact he left out the most important part."
Elle looks at Han before looking down.
"I was 11, My parents would take me to the movies on Saturday if i tried hard in school during the week." Elle starts explaining. "I was so excited to go I forgot my raincoat, so I went back in. At first I didn't see it. By the time I looked out the window mum and dad were gone."
"Turns out I wasn't the only one looking for this thing." Han says.
"Han saved me." Elle tells them. "The other people looking find me and were going to shot me. Han stopped them. He wouldn't leave me behind. He knew I would always be a target so taught me how to survive. We became a family."
"Always be a target?" Tej asks. "Why?"
"Cause she is the key." Violet tells them causing everyone to look at her as Dom walks closer to the group.
"Everybody's been looking for a thing. It was a person all along." Dom adds.
"My parents didn't want project aries to fall into the wrong hands, so they locked it with their own DNA, something we share." Elle explains.
"Then one day Mr Nobody gave me the heads up that one of his best agents went rogue. So when Deckard Shaw came calling, we used it as cover." Han explains.
"But you got killed in a car crash, Han." Roman reminds him.
"Mr Nobody had a way of making things look real." Han replies. "My death. Became the best way to stay alive."
Just then the alarm goes off. Everyone quickly stands up as Tej and Ramsey run over to the computers.
"Whats happen?" Tej asks.
"Its some kind of hidden subtlety the system follows." Ramsey replies.
All of a sudden people coming running in from all angles from outside with guns pointed at the team as Dom takes a few steps forward. The cell unlocks and Jakob stands up.
"Thats it, right there." Otto says coming down the stairs and walking towards the team. "Yeah, nobody moves everybody lives."
Jakob comes out of the cell causing Violet to look at him with loads of emotions all over her face.
"Jakob." Violet says with clear hurt in her voice.
"I'm sorry, vi. I'm sorry Mia." Jakob says walking past his two sisters and over to Dom. "I was the rouge agent. Me. Dom you ever think about how Mr Nobody found you? Think he just dropped out of the sky and chose you? I ran missions with Mr Nobody out of this place for years. I've been looking for that key for a long time, Dom. And you just handed her over. I told ya this is my world."
"Got it." Otto says holding up the second piece of aries as him and Jakob walk towards eachother.
"Got a lot of guys here. You trust 'em?" Dom asks.
"Trust this." Jakob says with a smile holding up the piece of aries now in his hand. You know only good thing to come from dad dying? If he hadn't I would have spent my entire life in your shadow. And now your gonna spend the rest of yours living in mine.
Jakob starts to walk away.
"The only good thing about dad dying is he didn't have to see what you became." Dom tells him. "You never deserved the Toretto name.
Jakob then walks over to him. Violet goes to intervene but Mia grabs her arm and pulls her back causing Violet to look at her as she shakes her head.
"You think you knew dad, huh? What cause your his favourite? You don't know shit!" Jakob shouts at him. "Ok? You want the truth?" Mia and Violet look at eachother worriedly before looking back at their two brothers. "Dad died cause he was trying to throw that race. We were in deep dept. Cause how he felt about you, he had to ask me for help. How was I suppose to know that car was going to blow?"
"A good son would've said no. And I real brother would've come to me." Dom replies causing Jakob to laugh.
"Come to you? He made me promise you would never find out. And through all of it I kept that promise." Jakob starts to walk away.
"Jakob!" Down shouts causing him to stop and turn around. "I will stop you. And thats my promise."
Jakob starts to walk away and up to the top of the stairs as some of his man try to grab El but Han tries to stop them leading to him being pushed to the floor as Mia and Letty run over to him and the men take Elle.
"Jakob." Violet says with tears in her eyes as her brother was about to leave causing him to stop and turn around "Please Don't do this. Its not you. Please."
"I'm sorry, Vi." Jakob says as Roman goes over and pulls Violet into his side. "I have to."
Jakob turns to leave.
"You walk out that door with the girl and aries. You won't have the right to call me Vi. And you definitely won't have the right to call me you sister." Violet says pulling away from Roman and taking a few steps towards Jakob.
"According to Dom I have already lost the right to do that." Jakob says before walking out causing Violet to break into tears.
Mia goes over and hugs her as Dom gives her a look to tell her 'In a few minutes run.' Mia nods before turning to Violet.
"In a minute we are going to have to run, ok." Mia whispers quietly causing Violet to nod.
Dom looks at Tej who nods then turns on the magnets.
"Down!" Dom yells as the team all duck down.
All of Jakobs guys lose their weapons before smoke starts to come out of their outfits.
"Go! Go! Come on!" Letty yells as Dom pushes past a few guys as they all fall to the floor.
"Come on lets get out of here." Mia tells Violet (who still had tears falling don her face) as she helps her up before they both run.

They all run through the tunnel before coming a room that looked like there was scafolding.
"This way!" Tej shouts before Ramsey starts to climb a ladder followed by the others the last ones being Dom and Letty. Dom turns back and sees the guys catching up to them before turning back to Letty.
"I'm always here." Dom says pointing to his heart. "Tell him." With that Dom closes the door.
"No!" Letty shouts as Dom jumps down from the ladder and starts to fight the guys.
A bunch of guys grabs Dom so he can't move while another continuously punches him. He gets knocked to the ground where the guys continue to punch him until he sees someone climbing up the ladder. He gets the guys off him snf gets back up and starts to fight them before grabbing some chains.
"Whats going on whats taking you guys so long?" Violet asks as she runs over to Letty (After much debate with the team as they said no one should go back while Violet said someone should.)
Violet stands next to Letty and makes eye contact with Dom.
"Dom?" Violet says quietly almost confused as to whats happening. Dom mouths 'sorry' to her before he pulls on the chains causing what he was standing on to break and him to fall into the water along with the rest a Jakob's guys.
"Dom!" Both Violet and Letty shout at the same time.
Letty opens the door before looking at Violet.
"Tell the team to go back to the base and make sure all of Jakob's guys are gone." Letty says starting to climb down the ladder a little bit.
"Where are you going?" Violet asks.
"To go get your brother." Letty says. "Now go get the team to the base."
Violet nods before running back to the team.

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