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It had been a couple of weeks since Jason had died and Violet was starting to get back to normal

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It had been a couple of weeks since Jason had died and Violet was starting to get back to normal. Of course she still missed him. He was her best friend and losing another friend broke her but she didn't want to let it take her down and stop her from living her life. She knew it was what all her friends who have died would have wanted Gisele, Han, Alec, Jason they all would have wanted her to move on and live her life. So that's what she planned to do.

Violet was taking her necklace off in her and Brian's room and she was about to go on a run when Brian walked in.
"We're are you going?" Brian asks.
"I was planning on going on a run to clear my head." Violet tells him.
"Want me to join you?" Brian asks.
"If you want." Violet says taking her bracelet off.
"Ok. I'll go change." Brian says before going over and kissing Violet on the forehead before grabbing some clothes and going to leave the bedroom.
"Where are you going?" Violet asks with a slight smile.
"To get changed." Brian says.
"Just get changed in here. It's not like I haven't seen anything before." Violet says with a slight smirk.
"Guess that's true." Brian says with a smile before walking over and putting his clothes on the bed before getting changed.
"Where are the kids?" Violet asks turning to look at Brian when she was fully ready to go for the run.
"They are already at Mia's for their day with her and Nico. I just dropped them off." Brian tells her.
"Ok." Violet says before starting to walk out the room. "Are you ready to go?"
"Sure let me just grab a bag so we can put water and other stuff we may need in it." Brian replies.
"Ok." Violet says before Brian grabs a bag and they both head back downstairs.
They grab some water and snacks before Brian puts the bag on his back and they head out. Violet locks the door before putting the keys in the bag before turning to Brian with a smirk.
"What?" Brian asks with a laugh.
"Catch me if you can." Violet says before running off laughing.
"Violet!" Brian shouts running after his wife also laughing. "Wait!"
Violet was still running when she felt someone grab her wrist and pull her back before Brian runs ahead of her.
"Brian!" Violet shouts starting to run again.
Brian turns around and continues running causing him to trip over a bit of the pavement which had risen. Violet laughs before catching up with him and the start to run side by side.

The couple had just made it to the park and stopped for a breather. Brian puts the bag on the floor and takes out the water bottles and hands one to Violet. They both open their bottles and takes a drink before sitting down on the grass.
"So how are you doing?" Brian asks. "With everything that has happened."
"I'm ok." Violet says looking down. "I mean I miss him. He was one of the only people who was there for me when Alec first died. And the way he died. It was just like Alec. But at least he is in a better place and hopefully happy."
"He is. And he wouldn't want you to hold your life back for him. Alec, Gisele, Han everyone else you lost. They wouldn't want you to hold back." Brian tells her.
"I know. And I won't." Violet says. "But I do have to admit something."
"What is it?" Brian asks.
"Jakob. My other brother died. And I haven't had the guts to tell Dom. It happened 10 years ago and I still don't have the guts to tell them." Violet says looking down ashamed.
"Don't worry. Tell them when you are ready. You were the one who was closest to him." Brian says.
Violet nods before Brian pulls her to her feet before picking up the bag and slinging it over his shoulder. He then puts his arm over her shoulder and they walk home.

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