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It had been a couple days since Olivia had gone to Rome

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It had been a couple days since Olivia had gone to Rome. Violet had taken a DNA test with Samuels help and she was getting the results back today. While she was stressing about the results, little did she know, things in Rome would be taking a turn that same day.


Tej and Ramsey were stood on the balcony to the hotel room them, Roman and Han had been staying in.
"Can somebody please help me understand how we're gonna pull off a mobile heist and I don't even get to drive?" Tej asks.
"Well, the sooner we break into the truck and steal the chip, the sooner you get to live in you dream place, okay?" Ramsey asks.
"Guys, the convoys almost in position, where are you at?" Tej asks. "You're suppose to be running interference."
"Rome be Rome is in the building. You see me shining baby." Roman says. "We on my mission now."
"Yeah, we know this your mission. Because nobody else on Earth would put Han in an Alpha." Tej says.
"We would already be there if Roman was driving four knocks on a wheel." Han says, causing Roman to then speeds off ahead. "What it lacks in horse power it sure makes up for in agility."
"That's true. The Lamborghini has a V10 with a stage 3 geatic kit. The Alpha will definitely have an advantage in this environment." Ramsey says, causing Tej to give her a look. "What? Oh yeah, I know stuff now."
"Will you marry me?" Tej jokes.
"That's all it toke." Ramsey jokes with a gasp.
"Alright everybody, show time." Tej says, as he gets th machine he was using ready.
"Here we go." Roman says, before drifting around the corner in front of the trucks that were they targets, a couple trucks after Roman, Han drifts round the corner.
"Liv, you there?" Ramsey asks.
Olivia who was stood with her class sneaks away quickly.
"I'm here." She replies into the ear piece, her parents had forced her to wear so she knew where not to be.
"Okay, we'll keep you updated with our location. Remember to stay as far away as possible." Han tells her.
"Got it." Olivia replies.
Olivia places her hair back over her ear to hide the ear peice before rejoining the group, her disappearance going completely unnotice.
"In position. Que tiny Tej." Roman says.
"Wait, wait, hold up. Tiny Tej. What are you talking about Roman?" Tej asks, Roman laughs as a remote control car with a bobble head of Tej pulls up beside Roman. "We never agreed on that."
"Tej, you wanted to drive. Now you're driving."
"Just so you know, tiny Tej's brain still bigger then yours." Tej says, causing Olivia who could still hear everything to laugh, earning a small werid looks from her class.
They use smoke and the shinyness from Roman's golden car to blind the drivers, as well as knock out the drivers in the front truck, before Tej and Ramsey jump onto the roof of the front truck. They open the doors, throwing the guys out before climbing in and closing the doors again.
"We're in. I have the wheel." Ramsey says.
"Sending you out location now, Liv." Tej tells the teenager.
After a moment Olivia's watch beeps. She looks to see the groups location.
"Got it." Olivia says, hanging back as her class walked on.
All of a sudden the doors to the van lock.
"We're locked inside." Tej says.
"The trucks being stirred remotely.
"Wait what?" Olivia asks. All of a sudden the car infront of Tej and Ramsey and behind Roman explodes. "What was that?"
"What happened?" Roman asks, dodging the burning car that rolled after him.
All of a sudden another car explodes.
"Seriously, guys, what's going on?" Olivia asks, keeping an eye on her class which were up ahead of her.
"They're stealling our truck." Han says.
"And with us inside." Ramsey says.
"Shit." Olivia says.
"Olivia O'Conner, hurry up." Her teacher calls to her.
"Coming!" Olivia says. "Guys, do you need me to come and help?"
"Hell no. Olivia, you need to stay as far away from this as possible. Your parents will kill us if anything happens to you." Han says, dodging the car.
Olivia sighs, knowing he was right before walking to catch up with her class who had come to a stop to wait for her. Tej and Ramsey then hear a sound from the back.
"Wait, what is that?" Tej asks.
"I have no idea." Ramsey replies.
Tej goes to check.
"Oh shit. There's a big ass bomb." Tej says.
"What!?" Ramsey shouts.
"Bomb!" Tej shouts back.
"Roman, you said this was carrying chips to a super computer. That is not a chip it's a bomb!" Ramsey says.
"What happens if it goes off?" Roman asks.
"What do you mean what happens if it goes off? Do you not know how a bomb works?" Oliva asks, whispering the last part, as she was still walking up to her class.
"The seven hills of Rome will be down to two and a half!" Tej says. "City wide devastation. Countless lives lost. You know, the things bombs do."
"We're coming to you." Han tells them.
"What's going on with you?" Olivia's friend asks, as the group starts walking again.
"Nothing. Just saw something I liked." Olivia lies.
Olivia looks around and that's when she sees the smoke.
Tej gets back into the front seat before Ramsey sees a couple of familar people in the mirrior.
"Thank God. Dom! Letty!"


While, everything was going down in Rome, Violet had gotten her DNA results back. Her bilogical family was appartently a family with the last name Richards. While Samuel was doing everything he could to find them, Violet was looking after Little B as Mia couldn't due to the fact her and Nico had gone for a family holiday with Vince's family. Violet, Little B and Jack were playing a racing game. When Jack wins and Little B comes second, Violet sighs.
"Oh. Again." Violet says.
"Yeah!" Jack cheers, as he gets up and goes to the kitchen.
"Were you cheating?" Violet asks her nephew. "I mean, on your favourite auntie?"
"It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile winning's winning." Little B says.
"Where have a heard that one before." Violet asks, placing a hand on his shoulders and kissing his head.
All of a sudden the window breaks and the two look to see smoke, Jack comes back in from the kitchen also seeing it.
"Go! Go!"

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