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"Three miles away, take the service road

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"Three miles away, take the service road." Aimes tells Dom and Jakob. "It'll lead you right to the airfield."
Just then two helicopters appear on either side of Dom.
"You know how to beat your dad in a street race?" Dante asks, looking at Little B, before both helicopters attach grapiling hocks to either side of Dom's car. "Take away the streets."
"Dad!" Little B shouts, as Dom's car begins to lift of the ground as the helicopters fly higher.
Dom manages to keep the car on the ground before turning his NOS on.
"My turn." Dom says.
Dom then presses his NOS, speeding up the car and jumping down to the road that Jack, Little B, Jakob and Dante were on. As he lands the planes crash into each other. They both explode, as they get dragged along behind Dom.
"Dom, Jakob. You guys have got 1 mile left." Aimes tells them.
"Son. I never break a promise." Dom says, over the radio, as Jack places a hand on Little B's shoulder. "Now let's finish that driving lesson. Feel the car. Find your line. And fly."
Dom then spins round, hitting a few cars with the helicopters, knocking them off the road, before swinging round again hitting Dante's car.
Little B opens the door as Dom alines with Dante's and jumps. He lands in his dad's car before turning waiting for Jack to jump across.
"Jack!" Little B shouts.
Just as Jack was about to jump Dante grabs him.
"Jack!" Dom shouts.
Dante reaches across closing the door before looking at Jack with a smirk.
"Looks like it's just you and me." Dante says.
Jakob then pulls up beside Dom.
"Dom, I'm running out of fuel." Jakob says.
"Ditch the car! Jump!" Dom says.
Jakob nods before looking at Dante's car were Jack still was. Jack catches Jakob looks before nodding.
"Maybe not, asshole." Jack says, before grabbing the wheel.
He turns it until the car was driving backwards before he drives them through the barrier and down the hill.
"Jack!" Jakob shouts.
Once Dante's car had disappeared, Jakob jumps across to Dom's car.
"Take the service road now!" Aimes tells Dom.
Dom turns off on the service road before looking back at his brother then to his son.
"You okay?" Dom asks.
"Little B nods, before Dom looks back at Jakob how also nods. Jakob then grabs Dom's radio from the front of the car.
"Jack? Come in, Jack, come in. Let us know if your okay." Jakob says, before there was a moment of silence. "Jack?"
"I'm okay, heading up to the service road now." Jack replies. "Got out of there. May or may not have drove the car into a tree. I'm about a mile before the bridge."
"Definitely a Toretto." Dom says.
"We'll pick up, hang on tight." Jakob says.
"Will do." Jack replies.

Once they had picked up Jack, they drive across the bridge only to come to a stop when they see a lorry coming the oppsite way. Dom swerves to a stop so the all looked the other way to see another lorry coming the way they had just came. As they were stuck. Dante pulls up at a level above them.
"Wow, Dom. Did you just hit me with a helicopter back there? Ow. I mean, I get it. You're trying to show off in front of your son and nephew, but still did you really think that it would be that easy?" Dante asks over the radio. "You're exactly where I wanted you to be. Yes. Wait for it... I have a surprise for you."
Just then they see a plane.
"Calvary's here." Roman says.
"We got you, guys." Olivia adds.
"Liv?" Jack questions into the radio, before Dom takes it.
"Guys, get out of here it's a trap." Dom warns.
Just then a missle is fired.
"Incoming!" Roman shouts, as the missle comes towards the plane. The plane engine get's hit causing it to start to fail.
"You see that's the problem with having a big family." Aimes says, his voice coming over the radio. "Can't protect them all."
Just as he says that the plane crashes into the mountains.
"Liv!" Jack shouts.
Jack instantly starts to quietly sob, causing Jakob to wrap an arm around him and pull him into his side. Jack wasn't one to cry over anything. But he had lost both his mother and sister in one day. And he couldn't hold it in.
"Oh. Dominic, is that you're new friend?" Dante asks, pointing to Aimes. "Oh, you are so predictable. You think everybody's going to end up on your side? Problem is Aime's was mine first. You know, Dominic. If you become a real saint. You're gonna have to perform miricles. Or die of marder. So what's it going to be."
The lorrys then starts to drive towards them.
"I toke your money. I toke your freedom. I'm gonna take your family." Dante says, as Jack, Dom, Little B and Jakob all do up their seatbelts. "And your gonna die, knowing you couldn't save them. Couldn't save your sister."
"Dad." Little B says, causing Dom to look at him. "I have faith."
"Ride or die, right?" Jack asks, leaning forward.
Dom nods before grabbing his radio.
"You made one mistake. You never toke my car." Dom says.
Dom then drives off the bridge causing the lorrys to crash and explode. As Dom drives the car down the dame, the car gets surrounded by flames. The car lands in the water and hits a rock before the four of them get out and swim to shore. Jack and Little B climb onto a rock while Dom and Jakob stand in the water looking at the now destroyed dame. They then look at eachother before climbing onto the rock as well. Dom hugs little B, while Jakob hugs Jack. Jack starts sobbing causing Jakob to hug him tighter.
"Mom and Liv are gone." Jack sobs.
"It's okay." Jakob says, tighten the hug once again. "It's okay."
Jack clutches onto Jakob as if his life depended on it.
"You suffering is over Dom." Dante says, over the radio, causing Jack, Jakob, Dom and Brian to look in his direction. "It's time for you to die."
There was then a beeping sound, causing Dom and Jakob to stand infront of the kids before looking back at them.


Brian and Samuel walk around the now empty hotel room.
"Where are they?" Brian asks.
"Wherever Dante is, I guess." Samuel says, causing Brian to sigh.
Brian places his hands on his head before screaming and punching the air.
"Fuck!" Brian shouts.
"Brian, calm down, I'm sure their fine." Samuel says, before his phone goes off. "See, Vivian is calling me right now."
"Put it on speaker." Brian says, walking over.
"Hey Viv." Samuel says.
"Sam." Vivian sobs, causing Brian and Samuel to look at each other nervously.
"What happened?" Samuel asks.
"It's Violet." Vivian sobs. "The- the plane went south. She's gone."
Brian shakes his head refusing to believe it.
"What do you mean gone?" Brian asks.
"She sacrificed herself." Vivian says.
Brian shakes his head again before leaving.

Brian walks out the hotel, sitting against a wall, down a side alley, as he slides down it. He sits there in shock, refusing to believe his wife was gone. A few tears fall, and after a moment he completely breaks down. Samuel come and sit next to him, wrapping a comforting arm around his shoulders. Little did he know he could possibly lose his two oldest kids. But all he knew now was he had lost his wife. And it completely broke him.

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