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"Let's do this

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"Let's do this." Johnny says before they all look towards the men who were starting to wake up. They all start looking at eachother confused.
"Your boss is dead. So if I was you I would listen to what we are about to tell you instead of looking at eachother." Roman tells them all causing them to look towards the four men standing up.
"We will spear all your lives if you promise to leave all of us and all of our friends alone forever. And if any of you come for us ever we will kill you in a instant." Brian tells them.
"If we don't listen?" One of the man asks.
"As he said. We will kill you." Johnny says.
"Who has a family? Out of you lot."  Jason asks.
"We all do." Another one answers.
"Just think about them. Don't get killed. Because if you do. What will your family do?" Brian says causing to them to all look at eachother like they know he is right.
"Fine then." A third one says. "We will leave you all alone."
"Good." Brian says.
"Thank you. We will be off now." Jason adds before the four men head towards the door.
"Actually you know what?" Brian says turning around as the other three continue going to the car. "I've changed my mind. This is for my wife."
Brian then throws a grenade towards the men before slamming the door shut and running towards the car and gets in and the grenade goes off. The four men shield their faces from the light before Johnny turns to Jason who was in the drivers seat.
"Jason drive!" Johnny shouts before Jason nods and starts the car before driving away from the house quickly.


After a couple hours nap Violet goes downstairs where Mia was waiting for her.
"How did you sleep?" Mia asks as Violet sits down next to her.
"Good. I'm a bit worried about Brian tho. Has he messaged you to tell you how it's going?" Violet answers.
"I messaged him a little while ago to tell him you got home safe but I haven't heard anything back from him. But I'm saw he was just busy with Kenny. I'm sure he will be back with the others soon." Mia explains.
"I'm sure you right." Violet replies while standing up and heading for the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" Mia asks.
"I'm going to go get a drink. Do you want anything?" Violet asks.
"Could I have a beer?" Mia asks back.
"Sure." Violet says going into the kitchen and grabbing two beers.
"Thanks." Mia says as Violet comes back into the room.
Violet hands the beer to Mia as they hear a car. Violet puts her beer down on the table and walks over to the window and sees Brian and the others getting out of Jason's car.
"Brian." Violet says as she runs to the door and opens it quickly before running outside and into Brian's arms.
"Hey." Brian says with a small laugh.
"Hey." Violet replies mumbling into his shoulder before pulling away and kissing him.
"Come on. Let's get inside." Johnny says with a laugh causing Brian and Violet to laugh as well before they all head inside.
Once inside Violet hugs Johnny and Roman before realising Jason wasn't there.
"Where's Jason?" Violet asks.
"He was just with us maybe he's..." Roman starts but gets cut of by a gun shot.
They all run out and to the end of the drive where they stop and look down both sides of the road to see Jason laying on the floor a little while away.
"Jason!" Violet shouts as they all run over to him.
"Jason, hey. What happened?"
"I don't know. I was about to walk inside with you guys when someone came up grabbed me and shot me." Jason replies struggling to breath.
"Ok. It's going to be ok." Violet says tears coming to her eyes worried about losing another person the same way she lost Alec.
"I'll call the ambulance."Johnny says pulling his phone out and calling the ambulance.
"You're going to be ok." Violet says.
"You know I won't be, Vi. But I will be able to see Alec again." Jason tells her causing her to let out a small smile for her.
"Say hi for me." Violet says grabbing his hand.
"I will." Jason says before talking his last breath before Brian slowly pulls Violet up and pulls her into his arms.
They all wait outside for the ambulance to come before they all head back to the house and Violet heads straight up to the bedroom and flops down on the bed in tears. After ten minutes Brian comes up and comforts her and that is where they spend the rest of the day.

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