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Violet and Mia were out shopping while Brian was at home looking after the kids

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Violet and Mia were out shopping while Brian was at home looking after the kids. The girls were walking down the street with coffees in their hands while they were laughing at how a women looked at them when Mia had tripped over a clothing rail in the shop that they were just in.
"No, but she looked at you with such disgust!" Violet says laughing.
"I know. It was so funny. But at the same time it was so embarrassing." Mia says also laughing.
"I know I walked. Away and pretended that I didn't know you." Violet says.
"I know you did, traitor." Mia says jokingly.
The continue walking until Violet spots the women from the shop walking over to them.
"Oh shit, look." Violet says as she points at the women laughing at Mia as her eyes widen.
"I wouldn't worry she's probably just going to a shop we walked past." Mia says.
The women continues to walk over to them and stands informs of them causing them to stop and look at eachother then her confused.
"Can we help you?" Violet asks.
"Are you Violet and Mia Torreto?" The women asks.
"Yeah we are." Mia answers.
"Why?" Violet asks.
"I have a message for the both of you." The women says.
"If it's about what happened in the shop that was a mistake and we picked everything up." Violet tells the women.
"Yeah so if that was what this is about then is it ok if we go now?" Mia says before the two start to walk away.
"The message is from Kenny Linder." The women calls after the two girls causing them to stop and turn to look at her shocked and confused.
"What did you just say?" Mia asks.
"The message is from Kenny Linder." The women repeats.
"What could he possibly have to say to say to us?" Mia asks.
"So his message is that you should be prepared. As all the people he has sent after you Violet has failed him. Including his own daughter he is coming after you guys himself m. And he won't go down and this won't end until someone you both or one of you love is dead." The women tells them.
"And who is he planning on killing?" Violet asks.
"Anyone." The women says before starting to walk away.
"Hey wait! We aren't done." Mia calls out.
"I don't think she's coming back, Mi. We better get home and tell Brian what's going on." Violet says causing Mia to nod.
"Yeah your right. Let's go." Mia says before the two head back to Violet and Brians' house.

Violet and Mia had made it back to the house. Olivia was having a nap upstairs and Nico and Jack where in the living room playing while Violet, Brian and Mia were talking in the kitchen about what the women had told them.
"Guys this is crazy." Brian says.
"We know." Mia says.
"There's nothing wrong can do expect wait." Violet says.
"No." Brian says.
"What?" Mia asks confused.
"We aren't going to just wait for this Kenny Linder dude to kill someone." Brian says. "He could kill anyone."
"What choice do we have Brian?" Violet asks. "There's no one here to help us. If we try to go up against him more people will die. At least if we just leave it only one person will die. And I'm willing to sacrifice myself so it's me and no one else."
"What!" Mia says looking at her sister confused mad shocked.
"Linder has been after me since I was a teenager. Killing me will bring him the most joy out of anyone else." Violet explains. "It will mean he succeeded in a mission he has had for years."
"No Violet that is not happening." Brian says.
"He's right Vi, we can't lose you." Mia says.
"It's the only way to end this without anyone getting hurt." Violet says.
"Violet you will get hurt!" Brian says. "Just think about this. How will Dom react when he finds out you sacrificed yourself. How will the team react. How will we all feel. What about Nico he will lose his auntie and what about Jack and Olivia. They will lose their mum!"
"That's why I'm doing it. What if Linder decides to hurt one of them. I will not be able to live with myself if something happens to them or anyone and I had a chance to stop it." Violet tells her husband and sister. "I'm doing it. And there's nothing you can say that will change my mind."
After saying that Violet walks out the room before Brian and Mia have the chance to say something and heads upstairs to check on Olivia. As Violet walks out Brian and Mia look at eachother and sigh.
"We need to call Dom. Maybe he can talk some sense into her." Mia says causing Brian to nod.
"Yeah. Do you want to call him or should I?" Brian asks.
"I will you go play with the boys." Mia tells him causing him to nod again.
"Ok. Let me know what he says." Brian says before heading out to the living room where the boys where.

Violet was upstairs sitting in Olivias room waiting for her to wake up so she can take her downstairs. Meanwhile Brian was playing with Nico and Jack when Mia walks into the room.
"We've got a problem." Mia tells Brian causing him to look at her worried.
"What do you mean?" Brian asks.
"I called Dom and he didn't answer so I called Letty. Dom's gone rouge." Mia tells him.
"What?" Brian asks. "No. That's not Dom."
"I know. Letty's guess is the person who Dom is now working with has something on him." Mia explains. "But I explained to Letty the situation and she assured me they have got the Dom situation under control and we just need to focus on making sure Violet doesn't get herself killed." Mia explains. "and I agree. If Dom comes back to the team and finds out his youngest sister is dead it will break him."
"Yeah but are you sure we shouldn't worry about Dom?" Brian asks.
"I trust the team. I'm not worried and he is my brother so I don't think that you should be either. But let's not tell Violet about this. She doesn't need to know about this. Especially not now." Mia explains to him.
"Ok. I agree." Brian says.
"Daddy is uncle Dom going to be ok?" Jack asks causing Brian and Mia to look at the two young boys who they had forgot was there because of how deep the conversation was.
"Of course he will be. He's uncle Dom." Brian says pulling Jack onto his lap while Mia does the same with Nico.
"Whats going on with mummy?" Jack asks referring to what Mia and Brian was also talking about.
"What do you mean bud?" Brian asks trying to cover it up.
"You and mummy were talking about auntie Vivi. So what's going on with her?" Nico asks.
"Nothings going on shes just a bit stress that's all." Mia says.
"Are you sure, Auntie Mia?" Jack asks.
"Of course I am." Mia says.
"Why don't we all go up and see her?" Brian suggest.
"Yeah!" Nico cheers.
"Come on then." Mia says before they all head up to Olivia's room where Violet was still sitting.

While Violet was sitting in the chair in Olivia's room she was curled up in a ball with tears rolling down her cheeks think about everything that had happened to her. When she hears a quiet knock on the door she wipes her eyes and puts her feet down on the floor.
"Yeah?" Violet whispers being careful not to wake Olivia.
The door opens and Jack and Nico run over to Violet and jump on her lap. Violet smiles and hugs them both as Mia walks over to them and Brian walks over to Olivia's crib to check on her. They all spend a bit of time in Olivia's room before Olivia wakes up. They all end up going to the park and having a family afternoon.

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