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Ship:  Sean x Hailey
Wrote for: Myself

Sean eyed Hailey nervously. Ever since he'd been rejected by Daisy, he just couldn't stop thinking about it. But that was a month ago, and recently, he'd noticed Hailey.

Of course, in a friendly way, right? It was too soon to move on. But still, her dark eyes, and her aqua-greenish hair had him mesmorized. And her smile. When she smiled, his heart nearly stopped. He sighed. What could he make of this? He knew Xander was going to kill him if he knew.

Not to mention Jake, how would he feel about it. Sean wasn't sure how Jake felt about Hailey. And Hailey liked Jake, he knew that much.

Sean didn't let his emotions take over, at least not as much as Xander or Jake do. He was generally a chill guy, and he didn't want to act upon his feelings.

It was nerve wracking, knowing he was falling for someone, especially Hailey. Xander would be very upset if he knew.

He was happy though. This crush didn't give him butterflies. They just made him feel warm, and he felt safe around her, secure being a better term.

Xander must have noticed, despite his best efforts to hide the crush. "Sean, do you... like my sister?" Xander shuddered as he asked. "Oh, you noticed that, huh?" Xander sighed. "Kinda hard not to. " He pointed out. Sean chuckled.

"I think you might want to tell her at some point." Xander said. Sean looked up in surprise. He didn't expect Xander to support him. "If you hurt her I swear to God I will end you!" He said before walking away. Sean just sat there shocked. Xander can be scary for such a small guy, just like Drew.

So, Sean practiced confessing in front of the mirror. He tried, over and over again, and he was starting to feel hopeless. He wanted this relationship so bad though. It would make him happy. He was just hoping that she would feel the same way.

Hailey smiled as she walked in. She had an amazing weekend, going to an amusement park with Xander and Luke. They all had fun, and she was in a great mood. Sean smiled, he forgot all his worries seeing her so happy. Jake came in late, he'd been hanging out with Drew all morning. Then, they all began practice.

The group enthusiastically practiced, Hailey and Jake practicing a duet for next year's competition. Sean grinned, but wasn't totally happy. One day I want to sing a duet with Hailey. He thought. Sean spent a day thinking about that.

He didn't want to admit he was jealous of Jake, but he kinda was. Daisy rejected him for Jake, she didn't want to hurt his feelings, and Hailey might like him so he could get rejected again. It made him anxious. But, why would Xander tell him to confess if Hailey didn't like him? It confused him.

He wanted to confess so badly he was afraid it would just pop out if he had to wait. His heart raced at the thought of a kiss.

Hailey sighed. What was wrong with her? She wasn't supposed to like Sean, at least not like that. What would Xander think? And what about Jake? Given, he and Drew are attached at the hip. Maybe, Jake liked Drew? She couldn't tell. No, it was definitely Drew who had the crush.

Doesn't matter, she'll just tell Sean she likes him, no big deal. Okay, huge deal! She'd never confessed a crush on anyone! It made her anxiety rise. "Okay, maybe he'll just confess to me?" She murmured aloud. Xander knocked on the door, causing her to jump. "Dinner" He said. She sighed in relief, she thought he had heard her.

It was Friday, the day he would confess. He was excited and nervous at the same time. She had looked at him with those entrancing eyes, and his heart raced. Yeah, he was ready. 

He slipped a note on her desk asking her to meet up with him in the Music Room right after school. She read it and nodded towards him.

The two met up after school, and Sean sighed. He faced the turquoise haired girl and smiled. "Hey Hailey." He said. She smiled back at him and his heart skipped a beat. "Hey."

Sean then blurted out, "I like you! Would you like to go out with me?" Hailey gasped but then  smiled. "Yes. I will."

A/N: Two chapters coming your way sometime tomorrow. Please request TMF stuff only, and I will write what you want, as long as it isn't sexual and is legal. Goodbye!

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