My Girl

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Ship: Jaisy
Mermaid Daisy AU

Jake sat at the edge of a rock, holding the hand of a beautiful mermaid.

Her name was Daisy, and she was perfect, with light, baby blue eyes and sparkly white hair. She was a masterpiece, who sunbathed often and came up to the surface to see her beloved boyfriend, Jake Sterling. That's right, she was Jake's and Jake was her's.

It made Jake feel all warm and fuzzy, the girl of his dreams being his. His heartbeat still accelerated when he saw her.

There was one problem, and it was very obvious. She was a mermaid, he was a human. Their relationship couldn't last forever unless he became a merman, or she became a human. Jake had friends on the surface, and Daisy has friends underwater. It was unfair, and Jake was too in love with her to leave. Their relationship would crumble if they didn't do something.

Jake was desperate. He knew he'd be able to see his friends if he became a merman. That was how he made his decision.

"Daisy, how could I become a merman?" Daisy looked at him, dazed by his question. He smiled. "Is there a way?" Daisy nods. "There has to be, my mom was a human. I'll find it. " she reassured him. He nodded back. "Great!"

After spending a little longer in each other's company before kissing each other goodbye and Daisy left to do some digging.

She swam down to where her dad was and smiled at him. "Hi, father." She grins. His face brightens as he sees his daughter. "Daisy, my little girl! What do you need?" She took a deep breath. "How did mom become a mermaid?"

Her father took in a sharp inhale through his gills. He wasn't expecting that. "My sweet daughter, is there a human you love?" He asked. She nods. "Jake Sterling. So, how so I get the potion?" Her father exhales just as sharply as he'd inhaled.

"It's dangerous, but you can probably handle it. Go to this man" he showed her an image of who he was talking about." You will undergo three trials, and after you've passed all three you can give him the potion."

Daisy raised an eyebrow before swimming off. It annoyed her whenever her father didn't give the details. He did this often though, so she was used to it.

She was able to find this strange man very quickly.

"For your first challenge Daisy, I want you to go to the surface and tell a human that isn't Jake about your love for him." She looked confused but swan to the surface anyways. A magenta haired boy walked passed, and she told him.

"I know, Daisy." The boy replied. "He does too." This must be Drew, his best friend. Daisy swan back down for her next challenge, which was to grab some seaweed.

Of course, she did easily, when he told her to grab an eel.  "That coul kill me!" She points out. "Do you want this potion or not?" He grumbled. She nods.

She swam for hours to find one. And as she did, it noticed her, and it was quicker.

Daisy swam with determination and fury, swimming in loops and zigzag to avoid getting hurt, eventually she grabbed it and handed it to the potion maker.

He smiled and began to create the potion. Daisy was so excited she could hardly wait. As he handed it to her, her hand reached out to grab it and in no time, she was at the surface.

She waited a few minutes for Jake. He arrived at the same time, and same place he usually did.

He saw the potion and his eyes lit up. "Yes! You got it!" He shouts happily. Daisy nods. "All yours. " He slurped it down right away, and soon was a merman.

He got in the water, and Daisy showed him how to move around.

"Wow Daisy, this is great! We xan spend our lives together now!" He smiled. She blushed. "Yeah, I like that."

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