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Ships: Drailey,Lander hints, Jaisy

A/N: Author regrets everything, there might be sexual suggestions/ hints but nothing more, I swear on my life, again might. Also drinking, but they're of age.

Jake cheered and jumped up and down, Drew and Hailey watching him. "I can't wait, my wedding day is only a week away. And you guys are very important, as you're the maid of honor and groomsman of honor." Jake said, and Hailey and Drew eye each other sadly.

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll be great." Hailey said and Drew nods in agreement. "Oh yeah- Xander, leave that alone!" He called as he rushed over there, leaving Drew and Hailey alone. They both slumped in sadness. Jake was marrying Daisy, the love of his life soon, and they both still loved him.

Drew had given up on it a while ago, but after Zoey and his breakup, was too afraid to date again. Hailey had briefly dated Sean, but they didn't click like she was hoping they would. It was painful, but they both knew they needed to move on. Drew and Hailey had become friends and they were close, they were actually walking down the aisle together.

"How you feeling?" She asked him. "Devastated, and I know you feel the same, I can see it." Drew responded. "Yeah, this really hurts." She admits to him. "I feel so guilty, I mean-" She was cut of by a wave of fresh tears and he turns to her, handing her a handkerchief he had in his pocket. "You feel like your feelings are ruining his wedding too, huh?" He asked. "Mhm, too?" She asked. He nodded. "I just made it up to you guys, then this happened, and I know I'm horrible, but I still love Jake." He confessed. "I know." She said, dabbing at her eyes, her makeup ruined and she smiled at Drew. "I don't think you're a jerk anymore, you've changed." She held up the handkerchief as proof and his mouth turns up a little.

"You should go wash off that makeup though, Jake might realize." He told her, and Hailey nodded, rushing to the bathroom. Milly followed her. "Hailey, you alright?" Milly asked and she sighed. "Yeah, it's just, this was too soon." Hailey murmured. "I wasn't ready yet." Milly rubbed her back. The main cast was in their early twenties.

Drew stood around and Luke came over to him. "That was nice of you." He said. Drew raised an eyebrow. "You gave Hailey a lot more than that handkerchief, you gave her a shoulder to cry on. My husband will never admit it, but he likes you, and how you help Hailey so much." Drew sighed. "It's nothing, she and I ate just in the same boat, that's all."

Luke shook his head. "That's not all, I don't think, but if you really want me to I'll drop it." He smirked, and it hit Drew. Luke was suggesting he liked Hailey, romantically. A warm blush spread across his face, and he averted his eyes.

The next few days could be described by them as a living hell. Hailey got her dress, light pink, and put in on. She nearly broke down, the numbness was gone. Her best friend, who she had fallen in love with, was getting married. Her body trembled as she tried not to cry, Sadie, who was with her, held her close as the tears rolled down her face.

Drew tried on his suit, the numbness he was feeling made it a lot more painful somehow. Like he knew the dam would burst soon, and he didn't want it to be at Jake's wedding. He tried crying in his apartment he had, alone, but nothing, no matter how long and hard he thought about it.

Soon, it was the wedding day, and they walked down the aisle together. The wedding went well, Hailey and Drew shedding a few tears that Jake brushed off as tears of joy, and cried with them. Daisy danced with Hailey for a little at the after party, and soon, there were drinks.

As soon as Drew and Hailey noticed, they grabbed some of course, they needed it after the long and stressful day.

Drew guzzled it down quickly as Hailey sipped her's. The two began talking and laughing, sharing drinks as both inevitably got drunk.

Jake stood with Sean, both staring worriedly at the two. "I don't want them driving home alone." Jake admitted and Sean nodded in agreement. "They're both hurting, but yeah, I don't like the idea either." He said. "Why are they acting like this anyways? I don't understand." Jake's voice dis sound confused, and even Sean, in all his patience and glory, had to face palm. "Are you serious?"

Jake nodded. "I'm scare for them." Jake confessed. "They're upset because you got married before they moved on from you." Sean snapped, and Jake's eyed widened. "Oh no! I made them the Maid and Groomsman of honor, and they love me? Are you sure?" He asked, hesitant to believe it. "Positive." That's why they're acting like this. Listen, Luke and I will call them, he calls Hailey, I call Drew, and we'll ensure they get home safely." Sean offered. "Really, Sean? You're the best!" Jake hugged his friend before spotting his wife on the dance floor, and running over to her. "Poor Hailey and Drew." Sean whispered into the air as he glanced over at his tipsy friends.

Drew drank another glass, and Hailey playfully grabbed his hand, drunkly giggling. He laughed back, and all of a sudden, nothing. Everything was black for Drew.

He awoke in his bed, teal hair on the pillow next to him, and he jumped in surprise. He was wearing a tank top and shorts, and he could see her bare shoulder. What happened?! He thought, and got up. He looked in the mirror to see marks on his neck. Oh, that's what happened. Wait, what?! Drew panicked as he walked back to the bed, he wasn't able to see Hailey's neck all that well, her hair was down and in the way.

There was nothing on him except a few marks, and he sighed in relief. It wasn't exactly what he thought, but it was clear they'd made out, at least. Hailey opened her eyes and Drew turned away, his face going red. "Drew?" She asked. "Mhm." He replied. She shot up, looking at her phone. "It's ten in the morning. We really slept in." She tells him, and he could see the places he'd kissed her, covering her neck, and she noticed his as well. "Did we-?" She asked, afraid to answer the question. "I don't know. The last thing I remember was the after party." He admits. "Same here, well, I remember getting in my car." She told him, and he yawned, muffling it with his hand.

Both of them got up, and he have her a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt for her to wear on her way home, and they both jumped at the knock on his door. Hailey sat in his couch as he opened it, his older Brother Derek looking inside. "I was making sure you were okay, but you... seem completely fine." Derek smirked, his voice teasing. He pointed to Drew's neck, and Drew out his hand there, but some were still visible. "I don't remember a thing, Derek." Drew confessed. "Neither does Hailey."

Derek walked in and sat down. "What are you doing here, Derek?" Drew asked. "Jake finally realized you idiots loved him, and he wanted me to check on you. He said you guys drank too much, do I figured I'd being over breakfast." He handed Drew a bag. "Wait? You knew she was here?" Drew inquired, confused.

"Xander has life 360 on his phone." Derek responded. "Well, lovebirds, enjoy. I should go, don't wanna ruin the mood." He said. Hailey smirked. "Too late." She said, and Drew rolled his eyes fondly. "Yeah, seriously." The two stared at each other. "So, do you, actually wanna go out sometime?" Drew asked.

Hailey took a bite before answering. "Yes, I'd love to." The two turned away awkwardly, but maybe, Jake's wedding brought on something better, something new for the two of them.

A/N: I kinda regret this, but here you guys go. Also, I'm sorry for not updating, I had a lot of stress (End of the quarter stuff at school) so yeah. I tried not to make this chapter too weird, might take it down later tho. I kinda like this chapter tho, just some regrets tbh. Love you all, have a nice day/night

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