Take Care

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Drew looked horrible to say the least. He'd came down with a terrible cold, and brushed them off as allergies. Now, his face was pale, his eyes were red and puffy, and his cheeks were flushed.

To put it simply, he felt absolutely horrible. He was so tired, he could barely stay awake in class. That was hard enough on a good day, and he was so sick, it was hard for him to focus at all. He just wanted to go home and back to bed, but school was important, and he  had driven his siblings as well. If he left school, he'd have to collect them as well.

Jake poked Drew awake for the third time. He was startled, but thanked Jake. Drew watched Jake's eyes as Jake reached for his boyfriend's hands under their desks. The gesture always made Drew soft. He loved physical affection. It made him melt at Jake's gestures of love. Even one touch made him happy. Now, he wanted nothing more than to fall asleep on Jake's shoulder, but he knew that he was in school and couldn't.

Jake seemed to notice, frowning as he let go of Drew's hand. Drew let out a small whine of protest when Jake pressed his cold hand over Drew's forehead. "You're too warm, you need to go to the nurse so she can take your temperature." Drew shook his head. "I'll be fine." Jake could hear Henry and Liam's murmurs of disagreement as Lia shot a concerned look Drew's way. Zoey didn't care. She was still mad about Jake exposing her for cheating.

That didn't matter to Drew. He was so sleepy, he could barely stand it. He just needed to get through the day, then he could go home and sleep. Jake shook his head, staring at Drew. Drew rolled his eyes, then completely ignored him. Jake was so frustrated he felt like crying.

Then, Drew rushed to the trash can and started puking. Jake was at his side in an instant, rubbing his back as he watched his boyfriend helplessly. Their teacher stood nearby. As soon as Drew was done, she handed him a tissue abs told him to go home. Jake smiled as he grabbed both their bags.

Drew looked up in confusion at his boyfriend. "Jake?" He murmured when his throat finally didn't hurt as bad. "Why'd you bring your bag?" He asked. Jake smiled. "I'm driving you home. We'll get your car tonight. I'll have your dad pick it up." Jake explained. Drew nodded. He was too tired to complain. He didn't want to fall asleep in front of Jake though.

Drew opened the passenger door, and he was thankful that he had extra empty grocery bags in the car. He ended up throwing up in one, Jake was worried, but kept his eyes on the road. He needed to get Drew home. It would help him feel better.

As they opened the door, Drew smiled. The air conditioning felt amazing against his warm skin. Jake ushered him to his room. He started a warm bath for Drew, and Drew hopped in. After a half hour, Drew got out.

Jake looked at his red checked boyfriend. He was delirious with a fever. "You're so cute, Jake. " He mumbled. Drew sounded drunk. His eyes looked slightly dazed and he was yawning. He had to rest, now. Jake pushed him down on the bed, but Drew wasn't done yet.

"Can I have a kiss?" He asked. Jake sighed. "Later. You need to sleep. " Drew pouted. "I would if you kissed me." He complained. Yeah, Drew was one hundred percent delirious. Jake panicked and fled to go find a thermometer. He rushed into Drew's bathroom, and retrieved it. As he walked out, Drew was already asleep. "Oh, Drew. What am I going to do with you?" Jake cooed to his unconscious boyfriend. He placed the thermometer on Drew's forehead, and sighed in relief that Drew's temperature wasn't dangerously high. He had just been tired.

Jake smiled at his boyfriend, relieved. Drew's temperature had gone down some. He had eaten and was now sleeping the rest of it out of his system. Jake wiped Drew's forehead with a wet washcloth, and Drew shuddered slightly at the feeling, but didn't awaken. He chuckled. Drew was so cute like this. If he hadn't been so worried he'd have noticed earlier.

Jake sat there with Drew until he awoke, and he grinned at his half asleep boyfriend. "Hey, hungry?" Drew shook his head sleepily. He was still sick, but he felt much better, just sluggish from sleeping for hours. "Not yet. I just woke up, Jake" He pointed out, deadpan. As usual, he sounded completely serious. Even when he jokes, he sounds dead serious.

Drew sighs. "I could use a shower." He said. He gets up, stumbling into Jake. "Perhaps you should wait a moment."

"Yeah. Promise you'll stay with me?"

"Yeah Drew, I promise. I'll stay as long as you like."

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