Please Don't Hurt Me, My Love

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Ship: Drake
Requested by: Moondragonice

Drew sighed as he looked in the mirror. Disgusting! His mind shrieked in anger. He saw himself, but he was too skinny. He needed to add more weight. He ate a lot already, he didn't want to get sick eating more, however.

Drew had recently been diagnosed with anxiety, he was constantly fatigued, he was always over-thinking and he couldn't concentrate on anything. Teachers yelled in his face, calling him lazy. He still couldn't focus, ans he was constantly zoning out.

Jake was trying to help. He made sure Drew felt comfortable now that he had anxiety, and he knew how self conscious Drew was. He was beginning to regret all the bullying he did, and he was extremely uneasy about his appearance. Jake tried to help him, but there was only so much he could do. So, he just tried to be there for his best friend. It was hard though, as he was also practicing with the Music Freaks. He was too busy to spend all his time on Drew.  It hurt, but he understood. More like, he couldn't change that. It was killing him, but he couldn't do anything. He was tired of everything. Tired of living.

He knew Jake didn't understand it. He knew Jake didn't know about his suicidal thoughts. He pushed them away, thinking of his family, but he needed someone to be with, so it's not as lonely. These stopped the thoughts, but he knew it was a temporary fix. He needed Jake all the time, he didn't want to share.

So, the next morning, he went to go see Jake in the Music Room when he heard his name. "I wish I could be as skinny as Drew." Hailey sighed. Milly was quick to agree with her. "Yeah, same." Drew's eyebrows went up. "He's so skinny, you can see his ribs sometimes." Xander replies. "Being under weight isn't good either. " Milky and Hailey just nodded, but Drew had had enough. He walked off, feelings swelling within him.

See, they agree. You're too skinny. You'll die from one kick. You're so weak! Pathetic! Crybaby! His mind screamed at him. Jake doesn't like you. Zoey didn't love you. Henry and Liam don't like you either. And without a doubt, Lia hates you. "Stop" He murmured. His mind was at war, constantly screaming at himself. Sometimes, his mind was so loud, he had to answer.  Dad doesn't want you. Mom left because of you. His mind screamed. "I know" he grumbled back.

"You know what?" Jake asked. Drew jumped. "Oh, Jake. " He said. "Well?" Drew looked away. "It's nothing." Jake sighed. "Your eyes are red. Have you been crying?" Drew shook his head. He came close to it though. Jake grabbed Drew's hand. "Are you okay?" No. "Yeah" Jake and Drew looked at each other, then the surrounding area. They were in the hallway, alone. Drew and Jake seemed to have the same idea. A kiss! Both their minds screamed.

They leaned forwards, Drew initiating and Jake following after. It lasted about six seconds, but it was everything to Drew. "Okay fine, you caught me. Your friends, they keep talking about my weight." Jake's eyes narrowed. "I didn't want you to hear that." Drew nodded. "I'll tell them not to say stuff like that again." Drew smiled slightly.

Jake walked back to the Music Room after school, and he smiled as he walked in. "Hey, guys?" He asked. "Yeah, what's wrong Jake?" Hailey asked. She knew that look well. It was his 'I don't approve' look. She saw it aimed at Xander a lot. He sighed. "Please don't talk about people's weight." He said. Hailey and Milly stopped when he said that.

"Drew heard you guys talking, and he started thinking badly of himself." Milly looked down. "Oh, Jake. I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean to hurt him. " He nodded. "Just, watch what you say, please. " the two girls nodded. Xander sighed. "I'm sorry too. That's not something I should have said." Jake looked up, to see Luke elbowing Xander's ribs. "Good." Luke smirked.

Drew ran into Jake's arms. It was time for their first date. His anxiety management was getting progressively better, thanks to Jake. Everything was great. He was now comfortable in his own skin, and was getting much healthier.

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