Jake, You Jerk

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Ship: Drenry, romantic or platonic
Requested by:Somniphobie

Henry sighed. Jake had left them yet again, and Drew looked devastated. His eyes downcast on his phone, looking through his messages with Jake. It hurt Henry to see that. Zoey seemed to notice, kissing her boyfriend's cheek affectionately, but Drew didn't seem interested, pushing her away slightly.

Drew was always angry now, more irritable than ever before due to his crush mot being there. He was only dating Zoey to cover up his sexuality from his parents. It made Henry sad to see his dear friend like this.

Drew was pretty upset and his outbursts were scarier then ever before. Even Liam, who'd been Drew's friend since Kindergarten agreed. Drew really did like Jake. Even Zoey knew, even though she wouldn't admit it. Lia understood, and it made her just as sad, knowing she and Drew were in the same position.

Everyone in the friend group but Drew was mad at Jake. He was being a jerk to them, promising to be there then canceling last minute. Zoey was jealous that Drew was focusing on Jake and not her. Everyone else was angry on Drew's behalf. Lia was hurt and mad at Jake for Drew and out of hurt.

Henry sighed. Drew had sent Jake around eight texts in about in hour all left on read. Henry was about to tear Jake's limbs off. How dare he blow them off again? Were his freakish friends that much more important? Drew had cried over this.

This went on for weeks, he'd promise to show up and then never show, and stopped telling them when he was unavailable. Henry had brought up kicking Jake out of the group, but Drew always shut that idea down.

Drew crying was a sight the group got accustomed to seeing. Zoey would kiss him sweetly, Liam and Lia would rub his back and constantly reassure him it will get better.

Then Zoey recorded him talking trash about the Music Freaks. He blew up on them a few days later, and Zoey and Drew broke up that day. Drew was beside himself in despair, deep in a depression the remaining group didn't know how to pull him out of. Henry watched hopelessly as Drew began to contemplate death. Drew had gone through too much in too little time.

Henry had to snap him out of it. They sat on his bed, Drew laid there, staring at his ceiling in a daze. "Forget about him. He's not worth it anymore. " Drew looked up, angry. "I thought you liked him Henry! He is worth it." Drew argued. "I did like him, but now I hate him. He's hurt you. You need to move on. You don't need him anymore." Drew pouts at that. "But I do" his voice broke.

"He left, and then I left Zoey. Who do I have left?" Henry was so angry. Did Drew really think he was in this alone?

"Me, and Lia, and Liam, and your siblings. We're all here to help you Drew. Let us. We can help you heal." He said.

Drew's mouth turned up in a smile. "Okay, Henry."

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