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Ships: Jamilly, Milliot (One-sided)
Requested by:LIALMAO_

Milly took a deep breath. She was finally ready to confess. Elliot was right there in the garden, she'd confess and hopefully he'd accept her. She walked to the door that led outside and smiled. It was after school, so not many people were there still.

Elliot turns around and grinned shyly. "Oh Milly, I'm so happy to see you! Are you here to see the orchids like I told you?" He asked and she shook her head. "No, Elliot, I'm here for something else." Her face was pink now. She was extremely nervous and had to stop herself from stuttering. She normally was a stammering blushing mess around him. He was always nice to her and understanding. That was a good sign, right?

"Well, what can I do for you, Milly?" Elliot asked, looking her in the eye. "I-I like you Elliot! I really like you and I have for the longest time." She blurts out and he froze. "Oh, Milly, I am so sorry. You are a really good friend, but I just-" He sighed. He wanted yo let her down gently. "I see you as a friend, I'm sorry." Milly felt crushed but she understood. "Oh, okay. I'm sorry for wasting your time then." Her lip quivers and he winces. "Milly, I'm really sorry." He said and she opened the door to go back inside. "It's okay." She said.

Now, Milly was crying, leaning against a random locker. Whatever, only the people in clubs were still here anyways. Jake saw her and ran over to her. "Milly, are you okay? What happened?" He asked and sat beside her. "I got rejected." She sobbed and leaned into his warm arm. "He wrapped it around her and smiled. "Aww, it's okay. I got rejected by Daisy recently. It hurts, I know." Milly hugged him tightly, knocking him to the ground. "Aww, it's all going to be okay. I'll help you through this." He told her and grinned. He rubbed her back and she was holding him so tightly he couldn't breathe. "Milly, that kinda hurts!" He gasped out abd she pulled away, blushing. "Uhm, sorry. I didn't mean to." She laughed and he runs a hand through her hair. "Oh it's fine. You just needed some support."

Milly lunched his arm gently and he smiled. "Oww." He complains. "So, why were you out here anyways?" She asked. "We were all starting to worry about you so Hailey sent me to go find you." Jake explained. "Oh, I didn't mean to worry you guys." Milly apologized. "It's fine, I'm just glad I found you. We had no idea what happened so we figured it must be bad. You love our rehearsals." Jake said. "Yeah, I do." She admitted.

Hailey and the others broke into wide grins upon seeing Jake and Milly. "Milly! We were so worried about you." Sean said. "Why'd you skip practice?" Xander asked.

"Oh that, it's dumb." Milly said. "No it's not." Hailey said. "You'd laugh at me." Milly frowned. "Please just tell us." Jake elbowed her gently. "Milly, they won't laugh. It's important to you so it is to us too." He told her and she smiled.

"I confessed to the guy I like and he rejected me." She sighed and they all wore faces of sympathy. "Oh, you poor thing." Luke said and Jake smiled. "See, we wouldn't laugh at you. Nearly all of us have been rejected before." He said, hugging her.

"Let's go back to the Music Room. We have work to do." Hailey said and Milly blushed as Jake helped her up. "Seriously, thanks Jake." She hugged him again and he hugged back. "Anytime." He replied and grabbed her hand, tugging her towards the Music Room as she blushed.

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