Cuddle, We Must

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It was a late night and Jake was lonely. He needed the warmth and comfort, but was home alone, his brother was at his friend's and his parents were celebrating their anniversary.

Jake needed the comfort to rest, he'd gotten so used to cuddling before bed. The constant sleep overs at Drew didn't help, mostly because Drew likes to spoon Jake, he felt safe and protected with Drew, it made him so happy.

The longing was so persistent that it made Jake hop in his car and be on his way to Drew's house. Jake didn't even knock before entering his boyfriend's mansion, Derek, Drew's older brother waving. "Hey Jake." He said softly. "Hey Derek, is Drew up?" Jake asked quietly, as he knew many others in the big house were already asleep. "Fast asleep by now. Why? You miss him?" Derek teases, and Jake's face went red. His eyes revealed what he wanted. "I'm sure Drew wouldn't mind a cuddle buddy. Go up there." He smirks. Jake grinned, rushing up the stairs, and opening Drew's door, and Jake froze at the sight.

Drew's face, illuminated only by the moonlight was the most beautiful sight he'd ever laid eyes on. Drew's eyelids, shiny and closed as his magenta hair spilled over the edges of his pillow, and his mouth as slightly agape, deep, slow breaths emitted from the sleeping boy.

Jake wanted to cuddle. He couldn't get some sleep without it nowadays, but he couldn't just wake Drew from his slumber, it felt wrong. He looks like a masterpiece in the moonlight. Like a master artist created him from scratch. He's absolutely beautiful. Jake thought, staring at him.

Drew was awake, but didn't show it. He couldn't open an eye or move an inch, he didn't know who was there. He feigned a snore to get whoever it was to believe he was still knocked out.

Jake was so conflicted! He was currently sitting on Drew's bean bag chair. He didn't want to scare Drew, just snuggle. He needed to wake him up though, now, it was so late that Jake himself was drifting off where he sat. The clock read two in the morning. Jake knew what he needed to do, abd he got up and tip toed over to the bed, and carefully shook Drew. "Hmm?" He murmured sleepily, having drifted back off a while ago. "Jake, is that you?" He slurred. "Yeah." Jake muttered, rubbing his boyfriend's arm gently.

"Go back to sleep, Drew. Can we cuddle?" Jake asked. "Yes, please" Drew responded, and as soon as Jake laid down, there were hands around his waist.

Drew buried his face into Jake's neck, smiling at the  sweet scent Jake emitted. Jake could feel his heavy eyelids closing, but before, he set his alarm, and Drew sat up. "Mm? Jake?" Drew muttered drowsily. "Sorry, just setting an alarm." Jake tells him. I've woken him like four times. I need to just lay down.

Drew wrapped his arms around Jake and the two laid, soundless and motionless, until deep breaths filled the room.

Derek opens the door and smiled. "Good night, you two." He whispers before heading to his room, closing the door on them quietly.

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