Don't Make Us

921 10 24

Pre- Hard to Adjust
Ship: Drake, Hints of Henriam if you squint
Tw:Stalking and eventual Kidnapping, Obsessive relationship

"Morning" Henry yawns to Liam. "Morning. Did you sleep well, Henry?" Liam asked, and smiled as he got a nod in return. "Good."

The two grinned at each other ad Jake walked in. He waltzed around, and the pair looked at their impatient king, both curious. Henry broke the heavy silence by asking, "What's up, Boss?" Liam groaned, internally scolding himself for not telling Henry to hush. "This human, He's perfect! I want him to be mine! I've been at his house all night every night this week! He has to be mine!"

Henry's face went from bored and sleepy to 'Help me' and two seconds. Liam nearly laughed, then realized the situation. Jake had said he was at this human's house every night. He was flat out stalking this guy! It was kind of terrifying to think about, but this human probably had no clue.

But, Jake rambled on anyways.

After a week of stal- watching over him, Jake knew a lot about this human. His name was Drew Smith, he was nineteen, and he loved video games. He was a deep sleeper and brutally honest and rolled his eyes a lot. And he had a girlfriend, her name was Zoey. Liam sighed. He's not even single! Quit trying! Liam wanted to shout, but, nobody lost his temper at the King. They'd die instantly, and it'd be a painfully slow death.

Jake rambled on even more, it was getting more and more concerning when he spoke. He had walked into Drew's room when Drew was sleeping, sneaking in through the window and watching him. Henry's face looked paler, and Liam thought he might faint. He smiled at Jake and said, "My Lord, Henry looks unwell. I'll be taking him to his room for some rest." Jake and him bowed to each other out of respect. "Of course, See you later, Henry." Jake called. Liam shuddered. Henry was shaking, he felt sorry for Drew. That human had been through so much, without realizing it.

Jake talked on for about a week when he had a request. "Get him for me" Jake demanded. Liam froze. Henry smirked, he thought he was joking when he said, "One human husband coming right up!" But Jake took him seriously. "Great. I expect you back by sunrise." Liam elbows his crush angrily. "Way to drag me in" he whispers harshly.

Liam and Henry bowed, then were off on their quest to go get the human for their Majesty. He had only become King three weeks before, and he'd spent a week, spying on a human boy. He was not fit to be King, he was still only one hundred and eighteen, he was still so young! Just barely an adult. So was the human.

Liam sighed, putting on his sunlight- protective gear as Henry did the same. They both glanced at each other in horror, they couldn't believe what they were doing.

Drew walked down the alleyway, his usual walk home after a long day. He was exhumed, and sighed. Every step made him more and more weary, he knew he'd be out as soon as he hit his warm, soft pillow. Liam cringed. He felt so bad about this, and Luam swoops down and stares at the human in the eyes.

Drew was nearly instantly in a trance, Liam nodding at Henry. "Now" he said. Henry hit the back of Drew's neck, knocking him completely out and Liam held him as he crumbled to the floor. "Boss, we got him." Liam said. "Nice work. Bring him here!" Jake encourages. Henry looked at Liam. He didn't want to, but the King wouldn't be happy if Drew wasn't their soon, so Liam scooped him up and flew off.

Jake sat on the bed, cooing at Drew, who had yet to regain consciousness. They had tucked Drew into the bed, and he was very slowly coming to. Jake kissed his forehead, his obsession now laying in front of him. Liam felt his stomach drop.

Jake loved Drew, but was so obsessed. Liam had felt sorry for Drew, Jake's passion was so strong and not in a good way. Henry felt sorry too.

"Leave him be for now, My Lord. You should go plan the wedding." Liam said. Henry nodded. "He'll wake up soon, Your Majesty. You'll be first to know when he does. " Jake nodded before rushing off. Liam smiled in appreciation at Henry, who smiled back.

Drew opened his eyes to find himself all alone in a dark room, his dark brown eyes scanning everything before hearing the door burst open and the light was turned on. There stood a tall, blonde man with light brown eyes and a dark cloak surrounding him, absorbing his sides. "Um... hello?" He asked. The strange man smiled, waltzing over to him and Drew felt nervous. His heart raved as the man sat on the bed. "Good morning." Drew was confused. "It's so dark. It has to be night...sir." Drew added to get on his good side.

"For you..I'm a vampire, so my morning." Drew's mind panicked. A vampire? Is he going to drink my blood? Why am I here? What's going on? Jake could read the human's mind, but refused to answer his love's questions.

"Long story short, you're mine now. I'm never going to let you go." Jake said. Drew was startled but stayed quiet, hoping he'd be safe in his new home that didn't quite feel like home.

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