Leave Me Be

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Ship: Drake
Requested by:Villainous08
Angst and Fluff

"I can't believe you!" Drew shouts in Jake's face. The anger he was feeling made him burn up, his face no doubt, is completely red. Jake is looking down in shame. "You cheated?!" Drew shouts, teary-eyed. Jake looks down again. "Answer me!" Jake sighed. "It was one kiss."

Drew was shaking with rage. "That's it! We're over, get out of my house!" He screamed. Jake walked out with a small, "That's fair." He had kissed Lia. It felt wrong, but Lia had convinced him Drew wouldn't find out. Then, he found out and Drew knew him better than most people. He'd instantly detect a lie. So, he told the whole truth. It rightfully upset Drew. He knew it would and was sad, but this was fair. Tears were slipping put of his eyes nonetheless. I'm such an idiot! What was I thinking?!

Drew sat on his bed, dinner on the night stand next to his bed. He was to sad to eat, he missed Jake already. Ever since he got that video of Lia and Jake kissing from Liam, he just couldn't function. He didn't even have to show Jake he had proof before Jake fessed up. It hurt, he was kind of hoping the video was edited, but Liam was there. Drew knew that, but he didn't want to believe his own boyfriend would cheat. His chest hurt, his heart felt so heavy that it was almost impossible to keep his head up. Tears stung his eyed and his face was still drying up from crying. He was trembling. Goosebumps were lining his arms and legs and he wasn't sure how it took him this long to notice. He was shaking because he hadn't ate yet. "I'll get right on that." He murmured as he picked up his lukewarm dinner.

School had been a disaster. Lia and Jake were arguing over the kiss, Drew kept rolling his eyes every time Jake spoke, and the Music Freaks watches awkwardly. "It's no wonder. I'd be mad too. " Xander said. Jake groaned. "Yeah, I know, but does he have to roll his eyes every time I speak?" Xander pulled a Drew, and rolled his eyes. "Yes. I'd be tearing you limb from limb. " Luke groaned. "Xander" He scolded. "Not helping." Then he turned to Jake. "You messed up though." Hailey was quick to agree. "I mean, I don’t like Drew, but no one deserves this. He trusted you and you broke his trust and heart. Of course he's going to ignore you." Hailey concluded with the 'You know I'm right' smirk that Jake hated so much. Especially because, unlike when she told Jake to leave Drew, she was. He knew he had to fix it, but he didn't know how. Drew was his first friend, and his first relationship. He loved Drew. Now he had to make it up to him.

Liam walked beside Drew, who groaned at what Liam just said, Jake chuckled. At least Drew was acting like himself. He felt nervous when he walked up to his ex. Liam noticed him first, pulling Drew aside and walking off with a confused Drew. Then he looked behind him, and Jake watched the heartbreak in his eyes. It hurt. He looked so utterly hopeless. Was this the look Zoey always recieved?? No wonder she was always sad now. It could crush even Xander's spirit. He was about to cry.

Jake rushed after him anyways. He needed Drew more than he'd ever needed anyone else before. The next thing he knew, he had grabbed Drew's shirt and Liam was glaring at him. "Dude, what do you want from us? To hurt us for a third time?" Liam spat. He's got a point. Jake thought. It was true that he'd hurt them quite a lot. He felt guilty. "Liam, shut up! What were you going to say, Jake?" Drew asked.

Drew's heart raced as soon as he saw Jake. He saw that look and Jake's eyes. He did love Drew! And he seemed like he was going to apologize! Drew was already head over heels for him all over again.

He needed to hear Jake out. Earlier, all he wanted was for Jake to leave him be, but now, he wanted to be cradled in Jake's arms.

"Okay, thanks Drew." Jake winked. Drew let himself blush. "I want to apologize. I shouldn't have kissed Lia. I let her convince me, but now, I want you to forgive me but-?" He was crying. Hot tears were trailing down his face and he sighed. "I-I love you but I understand if you can't forgive me!" He was pretty much screaming the last part. He just wanted to he heard.

"Oh, Jake." Drew said. "Of course I will. I can tell you are sorry." Jake smiled. He scooped Drew up into his arms and kissed Drew's cheek. "Thank you." He murmured into Drew's face.

Liam was recording, smirking as he sent it to Lia. "That's for flirting with Henry" He said as he sent the heartbreaking text to Lia.

A/N: Working on requests! I got some really good ones! Anyways, Lander, Daidie, and Jean coming your way soon!

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