Don't Cry, My Sweet Love

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Ship: Droey
Angst with Fluff

"How could you?!" Drew's lip quivered, and Zoey looked into his big brown eyes and could see the tears starting to form. "You cheated on me! I loved you and you cheated! I trusted you! We're done" He said. No, no, NO! Don't leave!

"NO" Zoey shouted, springing up from her mattress. She took a few deep breaths and looked around. Phew, just another dream. She's been having these nightmares a lot lately. Ever since Jake had exposed her for cheating after stealing Milly's diary, she had been having them. It was horrible. Her family wasn't in a stable financial place,and she didn't like selling anything Drew gave her (which was her mom's solution) and so she got a sugar daddy for the rent and bills, and Drew for love.

Drew liked her and she liked him, which is why she never told him about her family's debt. She knew he'd offer all of his family's money to pay off her family's debt. She didn't want him to do that.

Zoey truly cherished every moment she spent with him. She kept every sweat shirt he'd ever given her, every love letter he sent before they were together.

Her lockscreen was her beloved Drewy-bear. Her homescreen as well. Her feelings weren't exactly a secret to anyone. But, Jake had kept his end of their deal and Zoey was grateful. Then, she remembered Johnny. I have to go out with that creep on Thursday.

She walked with him, faking affection while internally gagging. She held his arm tightly. She was smiling, but was disgusted. Mom better thank me for this. I feel more and more sick every time he talks to me.

Drew had noticed her and gasped. He took a picture and left. He couldn't see, his eyes blurring up with tears. He rushed back to his car and as soon as could see, he drove away. He was sniffling and constantly wiping tears whilst driving. He was devastated to say the least. Two years wasted. That was what hurt the most.

As soon as he got home, he slipped quietly through the door and sprinted off towards his room. He sat down on his bed, stating at his wall. He just needed a minute, or sixty. Unfortunately, Derek had seen him slip off after walking in the door. "Drew, are you alright? You look so upset. What's wrong?"

Derek placed a hand on Drew's shoulder, wrapping his entire arm around his little brother after sitting down. Drew's eyes started tearing up again, the tears burning his eyes. "Oh, munchkin." Derek said. He must be worried. He hasn't called me that since mom left us.

It just made him cry. Soon, he was sobbing. "It hurts so bad. Zoey cheated on me!" He exclaimed through sobs. Derek slammed his fist on his knee in raw anger. "SHE WHAT?!" He shouts. Drew leaned into his brother’s touch before texting Zoey. 'We're over' and sent tje image of her cheating.

As soon as Zoey saw it, her heart stopped, and she dropped her phone in horror. Johnny stopped mid sentence and looked at her. "Sweet-?!" He felt a sharp slap to his face. "You cost me Drew! Don't you see? I'm. Not. Interested in you!" She shouts. "But, you still cheated. Even if it was to help your druggie mother, you're still an awful person." Johnny smirked. Zoey walked off, not letting her anger make her punch him again.

But she knew. I already know. It's my fault. I've lost him. Now, I only have my horrible excuse of a mother.

As she walked in the door, her mother laid on the couch, asleep after smoking weed. She tolled her eyes and walked back to her room. She knew talking to Drew right now wasn't a good idea, so she spelled to Lia all the details. Lia listened then said,"You need to tell him the truth now. About why you won't let him meet your mom. And about why you were forced to cheat. " Zoey had to agree. "You're right. I'll explain it all tomorrow. Thanks Lia." "Mhm" then, Lia hung up.

Drew felt a little better after sleeping. He really did, but he still was dreading school in the morning and couldn't help but want to stay home. Instead, he lazily stretched and got up unwillingly, and went downstairs to make toast for the little ones, Lilac who was nine, and Aaron, who was thirteen. After breakfast was ready, he woke up his sleeping siblings. His brother went to a local college, and it wasn't his responsibility to wake him.

Drew got them dressed, and into the car. He yawned. It was too early to deal with this, he wanted to go back to bed. He was dreading today, like he had a bad feeling about it. Perhaps it's because it was Friday, and he knee no matter what, he couldn't resolve him and Zoey in a day.

He missed her now. He loved her, and now he was hurting. He craved her, bad. It was killing him that they were apart.

Zoey sighed. She saw Drew and ran away from Lia and grabbed his arm. "Let's talk" She said before rushing off with his arm before he could object. "Hey, Zoey, calm down." He said, tugging on his own arm. "Please, listen" She begged.  Drew paused. "Five minutes. Use your time wisely."

So, Zoey did. She explained her mother was a drug addict, and she was using Johnny for money so she could have a house. Drew listened. He turned his head away. "So," she asked. "I'll think about it. " He said. She grinned enthusiastically. "That's not a yes, Zoey." She nods. "I know, but it's close enough." Drew burst out laughing at her. She was so cute.

So, Drew thought. And thought. And thought some more. He realized that Zoey was genuinely telling the truth, he can tell when she's lying. "I'll take her back once, but if she does this again, I'm not taking her back. " He told Derek. Derek nodded. "That makes sense. I guess. Then again,this really is your call Drew, not ours" He points out. By "ours" He meant Drew's siblings. That was true, after all. Nobody could make this decision but Drew.

"Zoey, I want to go out again." Drew said. Zoey grabbed his face and kissed his cheek. "Of course, Drewy-bear!"

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