Propose Already, Jake!

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Ship:Drake, hints of Dadie and Sailey, maybe a little Lander
Part 2 of Long Night

Jake sighed as he looked at Hailey and Daisy. He'd asked them to help pick out a ring to help him propose properly.

Hailey, if course, had agreed in an instant. Daisy, not knowing Drew very well, reluctantly agreed. "I remember when Sean proposed. It was the best day of my life! You can't mess this up Jake!" She said. Daisy placed her hands on Hailey's shoulder. "We shouldn't pressure him, Hailey." She smiles. Jake thanked her for giving him some mercy. Unlike some teal haired girl standing nearby.

"It's good you're finally proposing though. I thought you never would." Hailey concluded as they walked inside the ring shop.

That was weeks ago, and Jake had been too nervous to pop the question. Drew was getting antsy. They'd already agreed that if the time came to propose, Jake would. Jake reassured him he would. Drew had excitedly agreed.

Now, he was getting impatient. He knew Jake had a ring, it'd fallen out of his pocket during their most recent date. His heart had raced when he saw it, he wanted Jake to propose right then and there but it didn't happen. His heartbeat slowed down as Jake apologized and hid it. It was disappointing enough that Drew wanted to cry.

Jake had told Daisy, her girlfriend Sadie, and Sean about it, who told Hailey, who laughed in his face when she saw him. Jake's face went red in embarrassment. "What do I do now, he knows I'm going to propose!" He exclaimed. "Hailey, quit laughing."

Sadie gave a toothy smirk. They looked sharp like a shark's and Jake felt his heart drop. Daisy smiled. This was already hard enough, and Hailey was pretty much mocking him.

Okay, we get it! Your husband gave you a great proposal. Now, can you stop Hailey?! His mind screamed. He was also fairly certain his eye was twitching in frustration. He would properly propose. He just didn't know the right time. .

Drew was getting fussy. He saw the ring two while weeks ago, but no follow up? He wanted the ring on his finger, no matter how ugly it may be. He was constantly dropping hints about it to Jake, who didn't seem to notice and kept going on with his day. This was so frustrating! He could feel the cool metal on his finger already.

Jake and Drew spent a lot of time alone. Drew laid on his bed, asking questions like "I wonder what that ring looks like?" or "Marriage sounds nice, right Jake?" Jake laughed at his boyfriend's lovey dovey behavior. Okay, this was cute, and enough motivation to stop him from proposing. He wanted Drew to beg for the ring now.

Hailey's cold, sharp slap to the wrist brought him back to reality. "You had the perfect chance! Several times! Now you're going to wait? Propose already Jake!" Daisy laughed at Hailey, Sean rubbing his wife's back gently. Daisy looked disappointed and Sadie was doing her creepy smirk again.

Jake waited another week before he finally had a plan. He'd wait until Drew was completely distracted, then propose. He'd never see it coming.

Jake stayed overnight at Drew's. He was sitting on Drew's bed, watching his boyfriend play on his phone, unaware. Jake smirked. And placed a knee on the bed. Drew looked over, saw the ringbox and laughed. "Well? Will you?" Jake asked. Drew's face said it all, but he said, "Yes, Jake!"

That felt more romantic than I thought it would. Jake realized. Drew must have heard his thoughts as he burst out laughing. "You idiot! That was probably the most random proposal ever! But I've been waiting weeks, so I'll allow it." Drew admitted. "As soon as I saw the ring box I could stop thinking about it. I just... wanted it so bad. "

Drew smiles as the ring was on his finger finally. It was more beautiful than he had imagined and it was finally his.

Now, his fiance was snuggling next to him, asleep. Drew kissed the ring he'd waited so long for. It was the best feeling ever.

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