At First

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Ships: Haisy, one sided Jailey,

At first, Hailey hated Daisy. This was because of Jake. He adored Daisy a lot. It made Hailey so jealous, she was shaking with rage when she saw them together. She despised Daisy because of Jake's feelings.

Sean talked about her a lot as well. Hailey didn't understand. What's so great about her? All I hear is Daisy this, Daisy that, I'm sick of it! Hailey pouts. Hot tears were blazing down her face now, she was clearly upset, anyone could tell. There she was, crying at school, right next to the vending machine.

Of course, the person who found her was none other than Daisy herself. "I-it's just you. Go away. You ruined my life!" Hailey sobs. God, this was horrible. Daisy just sat down next to her, smiling. "Oh..well whatever I did, I'm truly sorry. I didn't m-mean to h-hurt you" Great! Now she was crying and Hailey felt bad! "Daisy, I'm sorry. I blamed you just because Jake doesn't like me back. I'm sorry. " Daisy perked up. "Yeah, I know that Jake likes me. I-I don't really see him that way. I just see him as a good friend." Hailey nods. She felt super guilty now!

Her demons constantly tortured her, sure, but she had no right to take her anger out on Daisy. I really am just too selfish. Just like those girls say I am. It hurt of course, but she was self aware. She wanted to make things right with Daisy. She was realizing that her hatred wasn't as rational as she originally thought it was. She was just being stupid and selfish because she liked a boy. How idiotic could she be?

She got up and held out a hand to Daisy. "Let's go to the Music Room. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I'm really sorry for yelling at you. " Daisy accepted the hand. "Oh sure. It's fine."

Hailey led her all the way to the club and walked over to the mic. Jake smiled. "You ready to rock?" He smirks. "Never say that again Jake" she agreed. Daisy just smiled, as usual. Hailey thought it looked really pretty all of a sudden. She felt warmth blooming in her chest, and she ignored it. Xander noticed this and smiled. It was adorable and she hadn't noticed. At least it's not that idiot, Jake.

After all that, the two girls became inseparable. Hailey would rant and Daisy would listen. Then, Daisy would give her opinion on the situation.

This worked for a while. Hailey got closer to her. Too close, forever getting closer. It made her nervous, but excited. She knew she was falling for Daisy, but she didn't want to do anything about it.

She was plagued by guilt, she was developing feelings for Jake's crush! He'd been waiting years for this opportunity and now she was stealing her away because of her own selfishness. It hurt, but she couldn't stop her feeling. No matter how much she attempted to, it how many tears had dropped from her eyes, she couldn't stop herself from liking Daisy. She just couldn't.

And both Daisy and Jake were catching on to her feelings. Daisy hinted at Hailey's crush with hope in her big, baby blue eyes, as she twirled a lock of snow white hair round and round. This was enough to drive Hailey crazy.

Jake kept asking if "she and Daisy were going out yet" and smirked, hiding his sadness in those bright brown eyes, fiddling with his hands nervously. She hated seeing her ex crush and best friend so sad. It hurt her too.

Finally, Daisy blurts out a nervous,"Do you wanna go out with me?" And bit her lip, her light blue eyes filling with worry. "Yes!" She nearly shouts enthusiastically. It doesn't hit her until she's in the club room. How am I going to tell Jake?!

Jake walks in, smiling as he and Sean talked. "Hey, Jake, can I talk to you?" His face showed he knew. " Daisy told me she was going to ask you out. I'm happy for you, I can get over this. "

Hailey breathes a sigh of relief. Good, he's not mad. "Thanks Jake, I'm sure you'll find someone amazing someday."

A/N: If it's not obvious, I'm trying to write ships I haven't written before, next chapter is Droey and after that, most likely Saisy. Idk yet, as always, you can request a chapter, it'd be much appreciated. Have a nice day! <3

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