Wedding Day

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Ship: Jailey
Requested by:jaileytmf

Jake paced around anxiously.

What if he forgot his vows? What if he messed up? What if he tripped going down the aisle? Drew and Sean watched him, and Drew rolled his eyes in dismay. Sean laughed. "Jake, you'll do fine. It's your wedding day, relax." Sean said.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you this nervous since Daisy." Drew smirked. Sean chuckled lightheartedly as Jake shoved his best friend. "Why did I invite you again?' Jake asked.

"You didn't, your bride did." He points out. "And, I'm your best man. I can't just leave." He said. Sean nodded. "He's got a point Jake. " He received a groan. "I'm do nervous! What do I do? Sean, were you this nervous when you married Daisy?" He asked.  "Yeah, that's normal. Which is why I'm saying, you'll do fine." Drew sighed and facepalmed. "Take deep breaths Jake. You'll live." Drew then walks up to Jake and adjusts his tie for him. "There, you'll do alright. "

Hailey twirled around in the dress. It was huge and had a matching veil and she felt like a queen in it. "So pretty!" Daisy said. "I approve." Milly smiled. Hailey's mom was right there, doing her makeup. "First Xander gets married and now you. It hurts your mother, you know. " she said. Hailey smiled. Her mother was seriously complaining about feeling old right now. Milly groans. "Not now." She scolds. Daisy just grabbed Hailey's sleeve. "Treat him right, okay?" Hailey nodded. "Always."

It was about twenty minutes before the wedding. Both were extremely excited and nervous for said wedding. They pictured the worst happening and labeled it as reality. They were both itching for it though.

Jake walked down the isle, and watched everyone else do the same. Bethany was the flower girl and Milo, Jake's little brother as the ring bearer. Everything was going smoothly. Drew stood beside Jake, smiling at him reassuringly. 'You'll be fine' he mouths. 'Thank you' he responded.

The second Jake saw Hailey his mouth dropped. He hadn't seen her in the wedding dress before hand so he was shocked. She looked so pretty. Her aqua-green hair was flowing in the slight wind, and her eyes weren't covered up completely by the veil, so he could see the excited look in her eyes. She walked down the aisle, and Jake's mouth went dry. He felt nervous now. His heart was pounding so fast, he felt he might burst any second. His stomach was a bit upset due to the nervousness.

They started the speech and vows. Everything was going okay, this wedding was joyous. Before they knew it they heard, "You may now kiss the bride." And so they did.

They danced the night away, two twenty year olds, now happily married. Stacy caught the bouquet Hailey threw and Lia danced with Drew. Lia still loved Jake, so did Drew, but they knew this was the best outcome.

He was happy. Hailey was happy. And Drew would be the godfather of their future child, with Milly as the Godmother.

Speaking if Milly, she brought Elliot. The two hadn't kissed or anything yet, but they were dating. She played with his tie and his glasses, and he kept adjusting her dress for her nervously. Hailey couldn't help but laugh at Elliot. He was still do shy around her. He hadn't truly broken out of his shell yet, but Milly seemed happy with him. He was a nice, respectful man and the Music Freaks couldn't ve happier with their relationship.

At the end of it all they hopped on a plane for their honeymoon. They were going on a cruise. "This was the best day of my life." Jake said. Hailey kisses his cheek and replied," Agreed, I'm glad everyone had fun."

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