He Saved Me

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Ship: Driam
Requested by:_SeroBaku_Shipper_
Headcanon: Drew picks up strays (bullied kids lol)

Liam wasn't always popular. Much like Jake, he was bullied. It got physical in middle school.

His bullies were hitting him pretty often. He would often come home with bruises all over his arms, legs, and face. Liam's mother was considering transferring him to another school when Liam met Drew.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Drew asked casually and the boys hitting Liam instantly stopped and stared. "Never get physical, it's a waste of time." Drew said and they ran off. "Are you okay?" He asked and Liam nodded.

Turns out, Drew was also a bully, but a different kind. He never laid a hand on anyone, he just made sneers or remarks towards classmates he didn't like. Liam was quick to join in, despite being hesitant at first. He found that this he could handle. He never had to touch anyone, to hurt them. To beat them up. Drew's laugh and smile made all the trouble he was causing worth it.

Drew was kind, but had a hard shell. His grin was a smirk and he often made jabs at people. Liam liked it.

When Zoey started dating Drew, Liam was so angry. She didn't deserve him. She was a gold digger and a jerk. She didn't understand him the way Liam did. Drew deserved so much better. Loam couldn't find a justifiable reason to get her in trouble so he dropped it.

Until he did. One afternoon, he was with Henry and Lia at the mall and Zoey was making out with some guy. Liam gasped and pulled put his phone. "This is perfect!" He smirked. Then, Lia told Zoey he and Henry knew and she threatened to tell their worst secrets to the school by posting them on her Instagram. "You wouldn't!" Liam growled. "Oh, but I would. Liam, don't you ever mention this to Drew, or I'll make your life a living Hell!" She threatened and he once again, was forced to drop it.

Now, he was holding a crying Drew as he'd just broken up with Zoey and lost Jake as a friend. Henry was busy so it was just the two of them.

"Why did you stick around anyways?" Drew asked and Liam smiled. "You didn't just save Jake, but me too. Drew, you know I'd never leave you without a good reason. Besides, you didn't send the audio." He told Drew and Drew nodded, leaning into his shoulder. "Liam." He sniffled and Liam pats his hair. "It's okay, I'm here." He kisses Drew's head and Drew pulled away, looking up at Liam.

His face was red and the butterflies were on the attack. He was so nervous, it was impossible to speak, especially with Drew staring deep into his eyes. Those deep, beautiful eyes made Liam's mouth go dry abd his eyes drifted to his friend's lips. They looked so full and kissable. They were shiny and Liam had to stop himself from lurching forward for a kiss. Drew was grieving a breakup, he can't just kiss him! Drew looked away and smiled. "Liam, thank you for being here." Drew said and Liam tackled him in a hug. "No problem. You're my best friend, that's what we do." He leaned their foreheads together and Drew was grinning now.

Liam sighed. "I have to go home, I'll see you." He waved and Drew's smile was everything. It was so wide and his cheeks were red. He was adorable. Perhaps one day, they'd be together!

A/N: I might actually finish requests today, I'm on a roll and I've only got two more! Next is a Drander one-shot followed by a Christmas Drake one-shot. I'm thinking of writing a New Year's one-shot soon as well. Love you all, thanks for reading!

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